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George Zimmerman found not guilty

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No it wasn't as simple as that but Mafya was responding to Lizmachin's post about facts.


The only facts we have are that


-Zimmerman phoned the police and was advised by them not to follow or approach Martin (He, Martin, had almost reached the house he was staying at)


-Zimmerman ignored this and went after Martin


-Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not


-There was a violent confrontation


-Somebody yelled for help, the witness reports vary on who it was


-The result was Martin's death by gunshot and minor head injuries suffered by Zimmerman


So how do you pick a verdict out of that lot then?

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No it wasn't as simple as that but Mafya was responding to Lizmachin's post about facts.


The only facts we have are that


-Zimmerman phoned the police and was advised by them not to follow or approach Martin (He, Martin, had almost reached the house he was staying at)


-Zimmerman ignored this and went after Martin


-Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not


-There was a violent confrontation


-Somebody yelled for help, the witness reports vary on who it was


-The result was Martin's death by gunshot and minor head injuries suffered by Zimmerman



That doesn't sound like a lot of facts for a trial that went on for 3 weeks. What did you talk about the rest of the time?

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So how do you pick a verdict out of that lot then?

I don't, it's nothing to do with me. I would imagine the Judge/jury make their minds up after weighing up all the evidence and testimonies.

That doesn't sound like a lot of facts for a trial that went on for 3 weeks.

It's most likely why it went on for 3 weeks, because there weren't many facts available. If there are more feel free to add them.


What did you talk about the rest of the time?

I wasn't there, it's nothing to do with me.

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I don't, it's nothing to do with me. I would imagine the Judge/jury make their minds up after weighing up all the evidence and testimonies.


It's most likely why it went on for 3 weeks, because there weren't many facts available. If there are more feel free to add them.



I wasn't there, it's nothing to do with me.


It is odd though that so many folk can cherry pick 5 minutes of evidence out of 50 or so hours of it presented to a jury and yet still think they know more about "the facts" than those on the jury.


One fact that most seem to have missed was the fact that the charge was 2nd degree murder. Which in the circumstances is a very difficult charge to prove. Which is probably why a jury found Zimmerman not guilty of the charge. (Which he very likely was)

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I think many of the posters here are over simplifying the event. It is obvious that the media has definitely tried to sway public opinion on this in their portrayal of the event. Even the president making comments that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin also tried to sway public opinion. Irrespective of George Zimmermans guilt or not these shouldn't have happened.


For those that say the Police told George Zimmerman not to follow and he ignored their instructions therefore he is to blame - my response is that the reason that George Zimmerman was in the neighborhood watch is because his neighborhood had experienced a number of burglaries that the Police had failed to catch the perpetrators or stop the burglaries.


Trayvon Martin although a teenager was a large lad 5'11" compared to George Zimmermans 5'8".


Trayvon Martin was visiting his father because he was suspended from school for cannabis possession.


The point I'm trying to make is that this is a complicated case. We haven't heard all that was said in the courtroom. So to try and make a decision based on the facts chosen to be represented by the media isn't good enough.


Oh one last point the Stand your Ground law doesn't give you permission to shoot anyone you feel threatened by. So this verdict doesn't create 'open season' on blacks as some are trying to say!

If you're going to paint Martin's character for him you might as well mention Zimmerman's past, like assaulting a police officer or his violent marriage.

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It is odd though that so many folk can cherry pick 5 minutes of evidence out of 50 or so hours of it presented to a jury and yet still think they know more about "the facts" than those on the jury.


Those are the facts that were released and confirmed before the trial when the Police were umming and aahhing about even charging Zimmerman with anything.


Nobody here knows exactly what was presented to the Jury, however, we do know what was reported before the trial and what has been reported as being presented, and people are able to form their own views on that material. Further, nobody is claiming to know more than the Jury, they are however questioning whether the Jury came to the correct conclusion - as happens on virtually every criminal case.


Finally, it's not like it's just a few foreigners doing this, there's widespread condemnation and upset at the result from locals and nationals.



[i wonder when Harleyman will be along to tell us to butt out of American topics again?]

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If you're going to paint Martin's character for him you might as well mention Zimmerman's past, like assaulting a police officer or his violent marriage.


I agree, Zimmerman has checkered past himself and its been well covered by the US press. Unfortunately Martin has been portrayed as a young innocent.

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I agree, Zimmerman has checkered past himself and its been well covered by the US press. Unfortunately Martin has been portrayed as a young innocent.


I think it depends which reports you read/listen to, I've heard just as many trying to demonise him as a thief and drug addict

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