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George Zimmerman found not guilty

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It is odd though that so many folk can cherry pick 5 minutes of evidence out of 50 or so hours of it presented to a jury and yet still think they know more about "the facts" than those on the jury.


Who are you actually talking about here, posters on this thread or the general public?


---------- Post added 15-07-2013 at 23:11 ----------


Wrong isn't illegal though, he wasn't breaking the law in following Martin.


And more importantly, walking to a house to watch a basketball game with your dad isn't breaking the law.

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I agree, Zimmerman has checkered past himself and its been well covered by the US press. Unfortunately Martin has been portrayed as a young innocent.


Fortunately you are here to dispel that myth..






Trayvon Martin although a teenager was a large lad 5'11" compared to George Zimmermans 5'8".


Trayvon Martin was visiting his father because he was suspended from school for cannabis possession.


The point I'm trying to make is that this is a complicated case.



Tall and a pot smoker...very complicated and scary. Yep pull the trigger.:rolleyes:



In this country if you don't take heed or advice from the police they whack you with a batton and kill you...Zimmerman it seems was lucky to be there rather than here.

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Fortunately you are here to dispel that myth..

Tall and a pot smoker...very complicated and scary. Yep pull the trigger.:rolleyes:



In this country if you don't take heed or advice from the police they whack you with a batton and kill you...Zimmerman it seems was lucky to be there rather than here.


Pity you can't be bothered to add anything to the debate. However with your view of the police I can't say that I'm surprised.

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Pity you can't be bothered to add anything to the debate. However with your view of the police I can't say that I'm surprised.


He has done. He's pointed out that being tall and smoking a bit of dope isn't grounds for being summarily executed by an over-zealous neighbourhood watch guy.


Or are you suggesting that makes it Ok?

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That he wasn't found guilty of murder suggests that the law, or something else is deeply flawed in my opinion.


The only thing flawed in that statement is you thinking somebody should have been found guilty of something despite not being if full possession of the facts.

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I don't recall the black community been up in arms when OJ Simpson got off, which was clearly the wrong verdict. The guy was as guilty as they come.


Not saying it was the right or wrong verdict in the Zimmerman case, to be honest I've not really been following it.


Black guy kills white couple but gets off, oh thats ok.


White guy shoots dead a black kid but gets off, I predict a riot.

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The only thing flawed in that statement is you thinking somebody should have been found guilty of something despite not being if full possession of the facts.


Not all the facts, as I've already acknowledged.


Surely you agree though, that there's something deeply troubling about what we do know.


Trayvon Martin wasn't armed - he was on his way home.

Zimmerman was armed.

He was advised not to follow Trayvon by the police.

He followed Trayvon and shot him dead.


Do you see anything at all untoward in that?

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Not all the facts, as I've already acknowledged.


Surely you agree though, that there's something deeply troubling about what we do know.


Trayvon Martin wasn't armed - he was on his way home.

Zimmerman was armed.

He was advised not to follow Trayvon by the police.

He followed Trayvon and shot him dead.


Do you see anything at all untoward in that?


Yes there is something untoward. You deliberately missed something out...the fact that they got into a tussle. You're presenting this as guy A follows guy B, guy A shoots guy B, which is a misrepresentation of what actually happened. Nobody knows how or why they got into a fight, because apparently there were no witnesses. The fact that Zimmerman followed Martin is being taken as fact that he followed him in order to shoot him, but that's a mighty assumption to be making.

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Pity you can't be bothered to add anything to the debate. However with your view of the police I can't say that I'm surprised.


Hmm..funny isn't it how you didn't add the fact that Zimmerman although not as tall certainly made up for in weight as a counter balance. As a tall pot smoker going about your business you'd have to shoot probably about 3 or 4 million Americans to make that one stick as evidence.


If it's all you can do to provide Martin as young and guilty as evidence, then go on to cast posters of not understanding the complicated facts is a bit rich coming from someone who also wasn't there. Just because you're "American" and own a gun gives you no more right than me or any other poster to put their ten bobs worth in.


Also interesting is the specific gun law in that State is also not confined to that state..and who's ugly head pops up when it comes to lobbying such laws? Our friends and bastions of all good and right..the NRA.

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Not all the facts, as I've already acknowledged.


Surely you agree though, that there's something deeply troubling about what we do know.


Trayvon Martin wasn't armed - he was on his way home.

Zimmerman was armed.

He was advised not to follow Trayvon by the police.

He followed Trayvon and shot him dead.


Do you see anything at all untoward in that?

That's not what happened. How many more times does it need pointing out?


Hmm..funny isn't it how you didn't add the fact that Zimmerman although not as tall certainly made up for in weight as a counter balance

Don't think there is much dispute that Zimmerman got beat up. No matter what 'counter balance' he had in his favour.

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