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George Zimmerman found not guilty

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And we don't know if he did that


We know he was concerned at being followed by a "creepy ass cracker". We know he ended up on top of zimmerman and caused zimmerman a number of injuries. We only have zimmermans word that martin threatened to kill him while attacking him but nobody including the prosecution have claimed that martin did not attack zimmerman. Why he attacked him may not be 100% certain but zimmermans account is consistent with other witness statements.


We certainly have enough evidence to dismiss the notion that he was walking down the street minding his own business and along came zimmerman and "executed" him for no reason.

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Saw a quote on Twitter that summed it up for me


"Only in America can a dead black boy go on trial for his own murder" - Shreeta McFadden


And that has got to be one of the crassest comments ever made. When there is a fight and someone dies of course there will be an investigation into both parties.

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If George Zimmerman was called Rafael Sanchez this would have barely made the local news.


It's a tragedy alright but the racial profiling is working overtime.


edit. That's a very reading reading of it quisquose.


Why? Not all hispanics have names you would recognise as being 'Hispanic'.


My good friend 'Phil Cow's Head' (and that's how he introduces himself - and it's about as Hispanic as you can get:hihi:) would probably be somewhat upset if you told him his name didn't sound very Hispanic to you.


What about Linda Ronstadt? (A very talented - and more than slightly famous hispanic singer.)


Is her name not hispanic enough for you?

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Completely unarmed up to the point when he tried to take the security guard's gun (yes, Zimmerman was the security guard) and tried to shoot him with it.


Fortunately for Zimmerman, there was a witness to that bit.


A) He wasn't a security guard, he worked in insurance

B) I can't find anything about a witness who saw Martin try to take the gun, what's the name of this witness?

C) Even if he did try, he was still unarmed






Rupert, can you reply to the above points please?


He wasn't a security guard, he wasn't even a registered neighbourhood watch participant, he was just a bloke with a gun who chose to disobey police instructions and follow and confront a stranger.

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Rupert, can you reply to the above points please?


He wasn't a security guard, he wasn't even a registered neighbourhood watch participant, he was just a bloke with a gun who chose to disobey police instructions and follow and confront a stranger.


Which "police instructions" did he disobey?

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I'm not a pharmacist - but I volunteer in a pharmacy for 8 hours a week.


Do you think all those people who receive medications from me should give them back because I'm not a licenced paharmacist? (I am, however, supervised by one.)


What Zimmerman does for his full-time job is irrelevant. It appears that somebody somewhere accepted his 'offer' (or maybe even asked him) to act as 'security'.


You do not need to have a uniform (Not even one with a cowboy hat, a sherrif's star and a pocket full of Milky bars) to be a 'security guard.'


If you can't find any witnesses, then I suggest you go through all the evidence (and the transcript of the trial again. No, I'm not going to do any research for you.


I'm sure you did go through all the pre-trial comments (published in your local newspaper) watched all the news arictles (on Channel 13, your local News Channel) and read the trial transcripts very carefully before you gave us the benefit of your wisdom, didn't you?


This wouldn't be (yet another) of those cases where the 'armchair warriors' on the Sheffield forum pontificate about the 'happenings in another country, would it?


THe photos of Zimerman (taken after he was arrested - and he was arrested) suggested that he was indeed injured by Martin (Who was rather larger than he was.)


Zimmerman was obliged to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he felt that his life was in danger.


The verdict confirms that he did so.


Nobody has accused Martin of committing an offence (Trespass is not a criminal offence in the US.)


Where were Martin and Zimmerman when Zimmerman attempted to apprehend Martin? (Not that there's a lot of relevence in that.)


Zimmerman was accused of committing an offence. He was brought before a court, tried and found to be not guilty.


It has been suggested - on this forum and elsewhere - that there will be some sort of 'revenge' attack.


I've little doubt that the Sanford PD, the Seminole County Police and (if it comes to that) the Florida State Police) can deal with a 'revenge attack' (and they may not feel under too much pressure to use a 'kid glove' approach if bullets start flying around.


---------- Post added 16-07-2013 at 18:11 ----------


Rupert, can you reply to the above points please?


He wasn't a security guard, he wasn't even a registered neighbourhood watch participant, he was just a bloke with a gun who chose to disobey police instructions and follow and confront a stranger.


Which 'Police Instructions" did Zimmerman ignore?


It appears he may have ignored some police advice, but there is more than a slight difference between ignoring Police Advice and ignoring a lawful order given by a policeman.

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THe photos of Zimerman (taken after he was arrested - and he was arrested) suggested that he was indeed injured by Martin (Who was rather larger than he was.)


Ditto the medical examinations of both parties.


Zimmerman had suffered


  • 2 black eyes
  • Lacerations to the back of the head
  • Fractured nose
  • Bruised upper lip
  • Bruised cheek
  • A minor back injury


Aside from the single gunshot wound which ended the fight Martin had suffered


  • Abrasion to left ring finger below the knuckle
  • Thats it


Other than to those with an agenda it's very clear who attacked who.

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