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Problem tenants in council property

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Having experienced first hand the trouble and upset these dregs put upon decent folk in their community it surprises me to learn just how many agencies they have trying to work with them supposedly trying to get them on the straight and narrow, usually all to no avail, I would like to see a committee made up of council tenets who would have a say on whom they have as their neighbours, with the power to decide who comes and who has to go, this will obviously be done democratically, these dregs wont work, drug deal, procreate intimidate thieve and put a drain on our society, they seam to be able to pull the wool over the eyes of staff at the job centre as they don't seem to have their benefits suspended when they choose not to apply for work.

Q: just where else would you want the 'problem tenants' to live, then? Anywhere in mind?

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It should be one strike and your out for problem tenants. Councils seem to bend over backwards to not evict scumbag tenants, who cause good tenants no end of misery.


Councils enforce the Acts of Parliament (which don't include "one strike and out" clauses and an eviction requires them to take the case to court - something that takes time / evidence etc.

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Anyway, its making them ill only to find last Friday the Somali's are stating they are racist and have legal aid and are taking my niece etc to court huh, can anyone offer any advice on this please?? They are not racist however they have a right to live in peace


I've got to ask how you've got this info and whether you've told us everything.


Who's taking them to court? CPS or is it a civil claim? What is the allegation?


Further how has the presence of legal aid been decided as I'd be very surprised were it true. Did they volunteer this info?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Q: just where else would you want the 'problem tenants' to live, then? Anywhere in mind?


Yeah, anywhere far away from me, pref Fullwood, Dore, Bents Green, Eccleshall road south, lets see how they would last there!


---------- Post added 16-07-2013 at 18:47 ----------


Sorry, missed Long out

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Where I live is not the most salubrious area,our street is a nice quite street and most of us on the street own our houses and seem to all get on well .apart from one dick head family who seem to just want to annoy everyone on the street by playing loud music revving motorbikes up burning bonfires at all times just a nightmare family.the amount of times I've been round to them and had a go at them is ridiculous, there is an old man who lives next door to them who has a real hard time with them,we have complained to the council about them no end of times to no avail,the last time the council sent some forms round for us to fill in, we had to spy on them and write down everything they did for two weeks.we sent the forms in last year but they still did nothing about them,they have just recently had all their front window put through by some irate shopkeeper from down the road who they had been to and stole some goods from.the thing is the family are just one lad and his mother plus all the riff raff they seems to attract turning up at their house at all times of the day.there was one episode where he was firing an air rifle out of his bedroom window and half a dozen cop cars turned up to drag him out of the house.the lad is apparently disabled from some silly thing he did to himself when he was a youngster so you can't just go round and give him a good duffing up like you would love to,the little **** just plays on it in our opinion, absolute nightmare family,I feel sorry for the old fella who lives next door theme.

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I bet I know more about the areas than you!


If you did, you would know how to spell them!!!


---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 10:36 ----------


Q: just where else would you want the 'problem tenants' to live, then? Anywhere in mind?


Preferably all together somewhere, and they could annoy each other instead of others.

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If you did, you would know how to spell them!!!


---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 10:36 ----------



Preferably all together somewhere, and they could annoy each other instead of others.


I said that to the council during one of our many phone calls to them about our bad neighbours,why do you put a family like that on our road.their answer is that if they put a bad family in with good neighbours it will rub off on them and make them behave better than if we just put them all together in one area.. :huh::loopy:

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If you did, you would know how to spell them!!!


---------- Post added 17-07-2013 at 10:36 ----------



Preferably all together somewhere, and they could annoy each other instead of others.


Dint tec the pis out ov mi spelin, I'm a none scoller,

Too shundnt mock the aflicted

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