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Heatwave..Please dont forget about the homeless

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This heatwave can make life much harder for the homeless & Big Issue Sellers who are out in the heat all day. Please spare a thought for them and if you are passing by, just ask if they are okay & if they would like a cold drink? It can make all the difference. Thankyou.

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This heatwave can make life much harder for the homeless & Big Issue Sellers who are out in the heat all day. Please spare a thought for them and if you are passing by, just ask if they are okay & if they would like a cold drink? It can make all the difference. Thankyou.


Your having a laugh! the sellers can stand in the shade and are surrounded by plenty of shops selling cold drinks, as for the dossers, they can doss in the shade and are also surrounded by shops, what about people working on building sites having to wear helmets and other safety gear whilst grafting their nuts off, and asbestos gangs who have to wear heavy overalls and full face mask trying to earn a living in this lot, people like you make me laugh posting tripe about societies drop outs and non triers. :loopy:

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Why can 't the Council or the Government provide a free, cold drink delivery service for the poor souls and little mites who are on the streets in their millions, in this terrible heatwave ?


Alternatively, we could open up the City Hall when the temperature gets above 65 f. and look after these people with free food, free drinks, music, community singing and suitable, indoor games. A handout of shorts, swimming costumes, sun-hats and nice t-shirts wouldn 't go amiss either.


Oh, and I forgot to mention, Mrs. Thatcher and the Bankers are responsible for the Homelessness which has driven thousands in every town and city onto the streets.

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Your having a laugh! the sellers can stand in the shade and are surrounded by plenty of shops selling cold drinks, as for the dossers, they can doss in the shade and are also surrounded by shops, what about people working on building sites having to wear helmets and other safety gear whilst grafting their nuts off, and asbestos gangs who have to wear heavy overalls and full face mask trying to earn a living in this lot, people like you make me laugh posting tripe about societies drop outs and non triers. :loopy:


I sort of see where your coming from but Wow, theres no need to be so harsh!

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Your having a laugh! the sellers can stand in the shade and are surrounded by plenty of shops selling cold drinks, as for the dossers, they can doss in the shade and are also surrounded by shops, what about people working on building sites having to wear helmets and other safety gear whilst grafting their nuts off, and asbestos gangs who have to wear heavy overalls and full face mask trying to earn a living in this lot, people like you make me laugh posting tripe about societies drop outs and non triers. :loopy:


I appreciate hard working people find it difficult in this heat, but at the end of a day people working on building sites etc can at least go home to a bath or shower, a cold beer and a change of clothes.


A little empathy with the homeless would do you more credit.

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Why can 't the Council or the Government provide a free, cold drink delivery service for the poor souls and little mites who are on the streets in their millions, in this terrible heatwave ?


Alternatively, we could open up the City Hall when the temperature gets above 65 f. and look after these people with free food, free drinks, music, community singing and suitable, indoor games. A handout of shorts, swimming costumes, sun-hats and nice t-shirts wouldn 't go amiss either.


Oh, and I forgot to mention, Mrs. Thatcher and the Bankers are responsible for the Homelessness which has driven thousands in every town and city onto the streets.


It did exist before the likes of Maggie you know that don't you. It's an age old problem.

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I thought all of societies ills started with her?


Thats how it go's in the Gospel according to SF???


No, that's how it goes with some posters on SF. All sorts of people can end up on the street, I've met some who could get little help from the authorities. A little bit of empathy costs nothing.


The Archer project does lots for the street homeless, I'm pretty sure anyone in need could get a cold drink, a meal and a shower there.

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people like you make me laugh posting tripe about societies drop outs and non triers. :loopy:


unfortunately, tripe like this doesn't make any right thinking people laugh


if you don't care about, and don't want to help those less fortunate, that is your choice, but don't have a go at those who do

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