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UFO Files Released

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Apparently, all of the UK's UFO files were released recently because they could not afford to keep the department running and have assigned people elsewhere to more important sections in defence.


But question is, is this really required, I mean we all have high quality recording gear nowadays and people always love ringing in and making complaints, so we should keep the department open, like a crowd sourced UFO hub.


Thing is though, where can you view all these files if they have all been released, do we all pile to the local library :hihi:


On a serious note, it is absurd to believe we are the only ones in this universe, we must be very dumb if we think it is only us knocking around in the solar system, there are others out there, question is where.


Also, the second that MOD conclude that scanning our air space for unidentified flying objects is not important, than you will sure fire see the biggest craft in history fly above a busy city, cameras will go ape and videos will hit the internet, only then that governments can stick their cover ups where the sun don't shine.

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we all have high quality recording gear nowadays


And yet nobody has come up with any compelling evidence for the existence of UFOs, aliens, monsters, wild cats, abominable snowmen, bigfoot or any of the other old wives tales.

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On a serious note, it is absurd to believe we are the only ones in this universe, we must be very dumb if we think it is only us knocking around in the solar system, there are others out there, question is where.


And the answer is... a very very very long way away.


So far that we will probably never see or hear them as long as we remain on this planet, and the chances of us ever having been visited are pretty much 0.

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