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Suggestions needed for a change of bank.

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Are there any banks that don't pester their customers and give them the hard sell?


I've used the same bank since I was a child and never had any problem with them but it was swallowed into a larger financial group a few years ago and has changed drastically.


I had an appointment recently to discuss something with one of their advisors and they pretended to think that I'd gone in to discuss changing my account with them. I could tell it was an act because they didn't look surprised or apologise when I corrected them and continued to push the issue throughout our meeting.


They also attempted to get me to change my mortgage to one that they provide, virtually ignoring the original reason I'd arranged the meeting and being shifty when I asked questions about that particular service. After a short time, I felt it necessary to end the discussion and walk out in frustration. I felt unable to trust anything the staff member was going to tell me.


This is nothing new. A couple of years ago, while I was waiting for a replacement cashcard, I had to go in three times to withdraw money over the counter. Each time, I was bombarded with exhortations to change my account and to switch my mortgage to one of theirs. Even after the third time when I had to firmly say "I just want to take some money out, I don't want to discuss anything else", the member of staff continued to push product.


I know it would be naive to expect a bank to operate for the sole interest of it's customers but I'm shocked by how pushy and aggressive they've become. I know the staff are instructed to behave like this, rewarded with commission, urged on by a fiercely competive company philosophy and probably put in fear of losing their jobs if they don't operate in a forceful manner. Nevertheless I've had enough of it and feel I must close my account with them.


Are all banks like this now, is it even worth changing? Are there any that will deal with the closing of my account and the transfer over to them? I dread going in the place and having to negotiate with snakes and jackals.

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Love your bank and treat her right or she may just stop loving you, then where will you be when you need to borrow some cash. THINK ON!


I'd love it more if I could be sure they'd even listen to me asking for a loan and not try to get me to buy shares instead- while repeatedly raising the subject to changing my account and mortgage!


As it is, I'm not even sure they won't send someone round at night in a balaclava with a length of lead pipe and a sheaf of papers to sign.

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Lloyds TSB are the ones I am dumping.Fed up of calls at anytime telling me how they can save me money.Funny thing is when I was ill with no income they never called.When on the last call I told them this they appologised and tried to sell me home insurance.Oh,and they are likely to transfer accounts to the new bank they are having to form without giving customers a choice.Will be watching this post with interest because I am in the same boat and fancying Nationwide.

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I'd love it more if I could be sure they'd even listen to me asking for a loan and not try to get me to buy shares instead- while repeatedly raising the subject to changing my account and mortgage!


As it is, I'm not even sure they won't send someone round at night in a balaclava with a length of lead pipe and a sheaf of papers to sign.


Banks only exist to make money, they are not their to serve the public. It's all about give and take. You scratch their back, they scratch yours. My bank gives me anything I want because I allow them to take a little off the top in everything I do. They need to take their cut, even if it's not deserved, that's the price of doing business. This is why I always preach, during the good times, always be doing something to gain the love and trust of your bank, that way, when you need them during the bad times, they will be there for you. If you only go to them when you want something, just like a woman, they will ask, but what have you done for me lately? So currently, if your bank is not behaving in a way you require, it's because they feel unloved by you right now.

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Yorkshire Bank have never bothered me about anything. I guess I am of little interest to them. All I want from a bank is to ‘keep my money for me’ and ‘not swallow my card in their ATMs’. I don’t do all the fancy stuff. It’s like a digital safe, really. There is nowt else I require.

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