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Youths throwing water bombs at cars on Abbeydale Road

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So if you hit someone without noticing you'd floor it after they've gone over the top of your car?
Read my post again. I'm not engaging your strawman argument.

"Danger zone"!? We are not living in Somalia it is very unlikely that you will be kidnapped and held for ransom.
Anything unexpectedly thrown at a vehicle constitutes a danger, and it could be indicative of further danger.


Could be a water bomb, could be a can of lager, could be a brick...could be anything. Thrown for 'fun', or for criminal purposes (e.g. robbery or car-jacking), or for any other reason.


Point is, you don't know: you've just been hit by something out of the blue, and that's all the info you have at hand to assess and react.


Therefore, get away from the source (throwers) and outside the 'throwing range' ASAP.


It's basic self-preservation (for you/any passenger(s)/prevent any further damage to your car). Hardly a difficult concept to grasp :rolleyes:

"unemotional, infallible, robot-like operator is not fit to drive" now you're just putting words into my mouth haha..
I'm calling it as I see it :|
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People's driving standards deteriorate when they're on the mobile. How many times have you been behind a vehicle and known the driver is on the phone before you even get anywhere near them? They weave, they slow down (then speed up when they're done), they're slow away from the lights, they brake erratically, they take corners in lumps, generally driving badly.


Using a mobile is a deliberate act, something they've knowingly chosen to do whilst driving (therefore not unexpected), and poor driving ensues.


So what's the potential for when something unexpected happens then? All these drivers who are crap when they're on the phone will become paragons of perfect driving when something is lobbed at them? Doubtful...

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This thread has come to typify the trollish bickering now sadly all too common on SF.


I think the MODS need to think quite hard about the direction this forum is taking and changes that need to be made.


Even the simplest threads are highjacked by idiots and its all to easy to get drawn in to sniping and bickering (I know , I have even got wound up and typed some stupid things but on the whole I try to only say something valid or useful).


My suggestion is to change the system so posts can be upvoted/downvoted...this way the crowd can decide what needs to go the the top of the threads and (hopefully) the idiotic ones can be buried.


Reddit works like this and I am fairly sure there are other forum software types which work on a similar basis.


I am now going to sit back and await the vitriol and / or people with too much time on their hands digging back through all my old posts...:hihi:

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I thought I'd have a read of this thread as I saw the idiots that were doing this and firing water into peoples open windows.


Seems the SF trolls are in full force on pretty much any thread that is started!


It's not so much a question of peoples ability to drive whilst things are thrown and fired at them more why the hell should they have to?

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Update posted by The Woodseats and Gleadless Valley Safer Neighbourhood Teams (on their Facebook Group):


"We have seen a recent increase again in Antisocial behaviour on Abbeydale Rd with Asian males throwing water bombs and stones at passing traffic. There have also been a number of incidents where Asian males in cars have been shooting passers by with water pistols from their cars. This resulted in an incident last Thursday eveing whereby a male was assaulted after confronting the men responsible. As a result we have increased patrols in the area including plain clothes officers. This resulted in two males being arrested on Saturday eveing after being witnessed throwing objects at traffic. We are working hard to try and tackle the problem and I would encourage anyone who witnesses any such behaviour to report it to 101. We would be particularly interested in the registration numbers of any vehicles involved. Thanks"

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Update posted by The Woodseats and Gleadless Valley Safer Neighbourhood Teams (on their Facebook Group):


"We have seen a recent increase again in Antisocial behaviour on Abbeydale Rd with Asian males throwing water bombs and stones at passing traffic. There have also been a number of incidents where Asian males in cars have been shooting passers by with water pistols from their cars. This resulted in an incident last Thursday eveing whereby a male was assaulted after confronting the men responsible. As a result we have increased patrols in the area including plain clothes officers. This resulted in two males being arrested on Saturday eveing after being witnessed throwing objects at traffic. We are working hard to try and tackle the problem and I would encourage anyone who witnesses any such behaviour to report it to 101. We would be particularly interested in the registration numbers of any vehicles involved. Thanks"


Thank you for posting this update, I'm very pleased to see that something is being done to eradicate the idiots. Anyone saying that throwing things at moving cars (whatever is it) isn't dangerous wants there heads looking at!

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