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Youths throwing water bombs at cars on Abbeydale Road

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Large group of Asian youths throwing water bombs at cars on Abbeydale Road today around 6pm.


Police called. They have had several calls about it. Going to send someone to tell them to 'be on their way'.


Any wonder this city and country is in the dumps?


I used to do this when I was a kid, we're talking about the 1960s. One ime I lobbed a water bomb out into the road not thinking there was any traffic and there happened to be a policeman cycling past who thankfully I missed.


I scarpered like hell! :hihi:



What kind of water bombs are they throwing on Abbeydale Road? Are they the origami type I used and could still make?

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You must have been very lucky then if you fear that a water bomb will make you lose control of your vehicle.


so you condone people throwing things into the road at traffic do you. I was brought up not dragged up like you seemed to have been. I respect other peoples property and don't put others at danger like you you seem to encourage:huh:

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So you drive along at 30 mph then out of nowhere a water bomb thrown with force hits you on the side of your face and it does not effect your driving.

The post said more than one person throwing so you could add another 5 water bombs. But no keep on driving nothing to worry about.


Also tell me what effect water has on electrical equipment on the cars dash board? Or are they all waterproof now.

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I've taken a piece of (supposedly-) breeze block before. Most probably kids or teenagers, and it was in a so-called 'nice' part of South Dublin. On a nice summer night in 2006, if memory serves [EDIT - found my old thread on Boards looking for a bodywork specialist after it happened, so yep, August 2006]


Was doing around 35-40 at the time. Impact part-shattered the windscreen (glass dust/shards inside), but thankfully only minor (A pillar damage was only cosmetic thankfully, the bloc hit smack at the juncture between the pillar and the windscreen).


Now, this is not really comparable to the topic, granted - but if there had been any kid or other obstruction suddenly crossing the road immediately after that impact, they'd have been over the bonnet without a shadow of a doubt.


I would (of course I would!) class myself as an experienced and attentive, anticipating driver. But that one came out of nowhere, never saw anything before the impact that would make me go 'uh-oh' and slow or take evasive action. I make no beef acknowledging my reaction times were completely shot for a good 100 yards or so, whilst I was 'recovering' from the 'adrenalin hit' and briefly checking the Mrs (in passenger seat, and covered in glass dust and fine shards) over.


Water bomb, snowball, whatever: it is irresponsible and dangerous, period. Wish cops still had the power to clip'em a good one round the ear.

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