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Youths throwing water bombs at cars on Abbeydale Road

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Well i could certainly control my car under those circumstances so i'd say it's not my driving skills in question here. Maybe you should hand your license back.


I think you are defending these little louts because the original poster mentioned that they happened to be asian.

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I've taken a piece of (supposedly-) breeze block before. Most probably kids or teenagers, and it was in a so-called 'nice' part of South Dublin. On a nice summer night in 2006, if memory serves [EDIT - found my old thread on Boards looking for a bodywork specialist after it happened, so yep, August 2006]


Was doing around 35-40 at the time. Impact part-shattered the windscreen (glass dust/shards inside), but thankfully only minor (A pillar damage was only cosmetic thankfully, the bloc hit smack at the juncture between the pillar and the windscreen).


Now, this is not really comparable to the topic, granted - but if there had been any kid or other obstruction suddenly crossing the road immediately after that impact, they'd have been over the bonnet without a shadow of a doubt.


I would (of course I would!) class myself as an experienced and attentive, anticipating driver. But that one came out of nowhere, never saw anything before the impact that would make me go 'uh-oh' and slow or take evasive action. I make no beef acknowledging my reaction times were completely shot for a good 100 yards or so, whilst I was 'recovering' from the 'adrenalin hit' and briefly checking the Mrs (in passenger seat, and covered in glass dust and fine shards) over.


Water bomb, snowball, whatever: it is irresponsible and dangerous, period. Wish cops still had the power to clip'em a good one round the ear.


Good point. Some of the "what if" scenarios may be a bit OTT, yes, a water bomb will probably cause little damage under most circumstances, but if you're driving along and someone randomly throws something at the car, you as the driver have no idea what it is -you might be startled, you might involuntarily swerve etc.

I could just about understand it from little kids, but older lads are just being pathetic.

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I'm a bit surprised anyone is defending this. Every anti social act that is fobbed off just makes Sheffield a bit less safe and friendly. Should be zero tolerance. They're not screening the driving skills of the people they're chucking stuff at and they obviously don't care what happens. Also the idea you can chuck stuff at moving cars for a laugh is just crazy.

Last summer some kids were soaking strangers on washington road with full buckets of water for a laugh. I saw a woman completely soaked by the fun loving little urchins. No idea how far she had to walk back in that state, but again they didn't care. Why is that okay? What are the little asbos going to be like as adults if they have no idea of boundaries.

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I'm a bit surprised anyone is defending this. Every anti social act that is fobbed off just makes Sheffield a bit less safe and friendly. Should be zero tolerance. They're not screening the driving skills of the people they're chucking stuff at and they obviously don't care what happens. Also the idea you can chuck stuff at moving cars for a laugh is just crazy.

Last summer some kids were soaking strangers on washington road with full buckets of water for a laugh. I saw a woman completely soaked by the fun loving little urchins. No idea how far she had to walk back in that state, but again they didn't care. Why is that okay? What are the little asbos going to be like as adults if they have no idea of boundaries.


Its like ive already said. these idiots are only being defended because they were reported to be asian, Asians are a minority therefore vulnerable therefore blameless for almost anything.

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Its like ive already said. these idiots are only being defended because they were reported to be asian, Asians are a minority therefore vulnerable therefore blameless for almost anything.


If that's the case, that's very sad. All kids need boundaries if they're going to fit into society later and if they're not corrected when they're young they'll have no chance. Also there's the possibility they'll "prank" the wrong person and that won't end well for anyone.

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Then like myself you should understand that incidents like this aren't a threat to peoples lives in the way described.


Unless you have actually been on the receiving end then you do not know what you are talking about. My partner has a small Peugeot convertible. I borrowed this to take my son on a trip to Harrogate 26th June (of all places) we were going down the one way system past Betty's when I had to stop at the pedestrian crossing. As I slowed a what proved to be large yellow balloon full of hot soapy water and goodness knows what else, hit me on the right side of my head. The water went all over me all over my son, on the inside of the windscreen. My first thoughts were that the car had exploded or that a lamp post had fallen on us. I have 50 years of driving without incident and I can tell you its pretty much a shock whilst driving. I could have hit the pedestrians or the lamp post quite easily. Please don't tell me I can't drive I do 20,000 a year on business. It also badly stained the inside of the car which I believe is Criminal damage? I reported on 101 so I expect that will go nowhere.

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Its like ive already said. these idiots are only being defended because they were reported to be asian, Asians are a minority therefore vulnerable therefore blameless for almost anything.


drive through parts of Sheffield and you wouldn't say they was the minority , we seem to invite the scum of the world to Sheffield, its no wonder that theres a growing membership of certain political parties:confused:

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drive through parts of Sheffield and you wouldn't say they was the minority , we seem to invite the scum of the world to Sheffield, its no wonder that theres a growing membership of certain political parties:confused:


Theres probably some truth in that but i suppose we should leave that for another thread. Mods dont like it if we go off topic. Well get told off. :hihi:

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Its like ive already said. these idiots are only being defended because they were reported to be asian, Asians are a minority therefore vulnerable therefore blameless for almost anything.


Whose defending them because they are Asian? :rolleyes:

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