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Knife crime statistics for South Yorkshire

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It's high time the police in South Yorkshire and elsewhere in the country, and our government stop burying their heads in the sand over this one and actually DO SOMETHING to address this before it's even more commonplace.


I'm sick of people carrying knives being defended by the courts, police and our legal system saying 'they were carrying it for self-defence purposes' - TOUGH!

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When I was a boy most men and boys carried a pocket/pen knife but would would never have thought of using it to harm anyone.

Recently I went to a wedding where the men wore kilts and had a dirk in the top of their socks. What amazed me was that the dirks were 1 piece ornaments and the knife could not be withdrawn from the sheath.

The problem stems from a lack of respect for others and lack of discipline. The last government passed legislation regarding knives when there was already sufficient legislation in the offensive weapons act thereby providing a knee jerk reaction instead of tackling the cause of the problem.

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It's high time the police in South Yorkshire and elsewhere in the country, and our government stop burying their heads in the sand over this one and actually DO SOMETHING to address this before it's even more commonplace.


I'm sick of people carrying knives being defended by the courts, police and our legal system saying 'they were carrying it for self-defence purposes' - TOUGH!


That's interesting, I've never heard of the courts/police/legal system doing such a thing. Could you link a source for me to read through?

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Maybe it's to do with the light sentencing that's been given out for crime for the last decade or so?


Sends a signal to criminal types that they can do pretty much whatever they want and wont spend much time inside if they get caught.

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I am wondering what the agenda is with the Star publishing these statistics - is it really this dangerous in Sheffield? reporting like this might lead to an increase in fear levels.


I said this on a previous thread about their website.


You look at the main headings under the title:


Local CRIME Council Heath Business


It looks really bad that there's a dedicated and prominent link. I don't know of any other city newspaper websites which do this.


And can someone double check the figures:


In the 15 months up to April this year, 313 stabbing offences were recorded by South Yorkshire Police.


313 over 15 months works out at 20.8 per month according to my working out.

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Yes, Alchresearch, I thought there was something wrong with the statistics too. Very confusing ! .....................but just about par for the course in this slapdash day and age !


Anyway, that aside, it would be very interesting if we could see the knife-crime figure for, say, 1950, 1960 and 1970. I asked a similar question as re-the firearms statistics, recently discussed.


As a teenager in Sheffield in the '50 's & 60 's, I seem to remember that knife and gun usage was a very rare event and that was broadly true, nationally, I think. These days, it seems to be commonplace........and shrugged off by many !


Another recent report suggests that the police, nationwide, are so overwhelmed by pretty serious crime that they only investigate about half of them ! Our prisons are bursting, despite most cons getting released after serving only half their ' headline ' sentence.


What an utter mess this country is becoming.........but the ' ostriches ' will whine that " there 's always been crime ". Well, yes, but just not on this scale !

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