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10 years since the death of David Kelly.

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Well it's 10 years since the death of David Kelly and campaigners are still trying to get justice.

It's pretty obvious (to me) that the previous enquiry was a whitewash and needs to be looked into, a bit like the Hillsborough enquiry.


Should there be an inquest, and what can we do about expensive, but seriously flawed public enquiries that mislead the public? (and there have been several.)


Is their any point to them? And if not, how can we find out the truth in the first place without years of people having to do all the digging?

Edited by Anna B
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Should there be an inquest?


Because it is the law of the land, which the family was unjustly denied the benefit of.


Because finality about this sorry affair is required.


And because you will not find anyone more unbiased than, nor as legally powerful (read: 'untouchable') as, a Coroner.


And I do not post this lightly, having just experienced this very judicial process earlier this month, 1st-hand.

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I see, so everything you don't like the answer to is a whitewash?




Of course not.


But some cases are crying out to be reopened, and this is one of them.


There is a body of evidence which has never been tested in court, and should be. It smacks of either incompetence or corruption, neither of which is acceptable.


We pay a lot of money for these enquiries. The conclusions should be watertight.

Edited by Anna B
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Are you happy with the inquest? Would you still be happy if it was a Tory government which was in power when Kelly died?


It wasn't an inquest though - it was a public inquiry which is why people would like to see a proper coroners inquest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kelly had the highest security clearance, enough to brief Intelligence chiefs etc, but because he might have sunk our Govt's case for joining the US for War, he is suddenly 'mentally ill'? Denied by close family, friends and colleagues, of course!


Five Harley Street doctors and the first Ambulance crew on the "suicide" scene, all deny his official CoD.


Then we had two Government enquiries? :hihi:

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It wasn't an inquest though - it was a public inquiry which is why people would like to see a proper coroners inquest.


Well the inquiry included a coroners report - and was far more far reaching than an inquest. It also meant that Kellys widow and her family didn't have to go through both. The post mortem has also since been made public (not something that normally happens).


If there was any evidence of murder linked to the Blair administration, I'm pretty sure the Tories would have been all over it by now - it would have sunk Labour for a generation or more.

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Well the inquiry included a coroners report - and was far more far reaching than an inquest. It also meant that Kellys widow and her family didn't have to go through both. The post mortem has also since been made public (not something that normally happens).


If there was any evidence of murder linked to the Blair administration, I'm pretty sure the Tories would have been all over it by now - it would have sunk Labour for a generation or more.


But the damage to British politics on both sides would have been a massive event and a global scandle. Our reputation would still be tarnished. It would be such a stupid thing to do I can only think nobody would be that stupid or arrogant enough to do it that it can only be suicide.


Again my view isn't based on a massive amount of facts or reading about the intricacies of his death.

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