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Going on holiday (Robin Hood's Bay)! Advice please ..

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sorry mel but i'm not invading your territory! the missus and me originate from that area so as she would say, we were going 'home' for the weekend.

heh heh


thats strange, cos both me and the missus originate from sheff Oo :P

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Goathland is the most amazing place, they have sheep grazing on the village green and you should make sure you go and see the waterfall, ask a local if you ca't find the path, steepish drop down to it. Harry Potter was also filmed at the railway station. They sometimes have themed journeys on the train such as 1940s weekend or back to the 1960s

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Goathland is the most amazing place, they have sheep grazing on the village green and you should make sure you go and see the waterfall, ask a local if you ca't find the path, steepish drop down to it. Harry Potter was also filmed at the railway station. They sometimes have themed journeys on the train such as 1940s weekend or back to the 1960s

you didnt mention heartbeat Oo

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Yeah ... Goatland is the birthplace of Nick Berry and also where they still to this day manufacture Ford Angla Police cars. As you can see from the pic, this car's just managed to rescue a big tub of paint from the car park by towing it backward with a piece of string tied to the front bumper.


When Nick's not chasing goat rustlers, he has a little workshop where he knocks out hand made bits of tat from truncheons and the like and sells them to gullible tourists from his shop on the main (only) street.


Fortunately, it was raining when I went there, so didn't have to stay very long.


I'd also just like to say, here and now ... if I ever hear the Heartbeat song again, I'm going to hunt down Nick Berry and run him over with his own Ford Anglia! :mad:


(the last bit was a joke before the PC lot have a go)

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Nip down to Ravenscar and have some tea at Raven Hall Hotel. It's an old favourite in my family! A walk along the beach at Stoop Beck or along the old train line?



Yep..and there's a lovely walk. Along the coast from RHB to Ravenscar past Boggle Hole, see the old Alum works, than walk back along the old railway line to RHB


For a change from the seaside, try a drive through Broxa forest and stop by Hackness

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Yep..and there's a lovely walk. Along the coast from RHB to Ravenscar past Boggle Hole, see the old Alum works, than walk back along the old railway line to RHB


For a change from the seaside, try a drive through Broxa forest and stop by Hackness


Yep ... went to Boggle Hole ... the place is full of hippies and screaming kids watching the tide go in and out and looking for pebbles. I'd give that one a miss if anyone's reading.


Ravenscar is quite interesting from a historical point of view ... it was going to be built as a town to compete with Scarborough. Unfortunately, due to the demise of the railway, the plans were scrapped after they'd only built a few houses. Fortunately, one of these houses was the tea room, which does jolly nice ice-cream (even when it's raining). :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've just got back from a weekend up there. Stayed in a B&B at Goathland and did all the usual places mentioned above.


The reason I resurrected this thread though was purely for this pie and mash shop, which had a bottle of Hendo's relish on every table!


Oooh! ... I nearly went in there whilst half-heartedly looking (in vain, as it transpired) for a Citroen garage and a tow hook.

Bet mel's got something to do with the Hendo's! :)

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