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How was your valentines night?


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to all the people on here just some feed back regarding what I said last night on how was your valentine night. well me and the girlfriend have made it up and I just wished I had wore a condom because her hormornes are sky high and this is what happened the last time we have now got a 3 year old son. so it could be baby on way.


Er, congratulations?

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well what a sham valentines day was for me.it was with the same mobile my darling man of 3 years booked a romantic dinner for us that on the day i found the messages from the other woman he is seeing behind my back. GUTTED

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Things were going well after our last big argument. Made up. Went down to London to spend more time together. Before Valentine's day, I kind of threw a strop, cos he was being gitty about something. Didn't talk much. Next day, had a big row. On our first Valentine's Day together. >.< He mentioned breaking up. Was gutted, but went through the motions. He drove me back up to Sheffield. For 3 hrs, we argued over our relationship nitpicking at each other.


When we got here, he picked up his stuff, and left.

Went to my mum's and cried my guts out that night. :(


Despite all this, I still miss him. What a nightmare of a Valentine's Day ?

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