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Bird Bath - for pleasure

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Came home from shopping an hour ago and my first job was to replace the water in my garden bird bath (an upturned dustbin lid) I've since spent my time watching the antics of what I think are house sparrows fighting/playing in the water, nature gives us such wonderful thing to look at if we only had/took the time to look.

The purpose of this post is really to ask member to supply water for our feathered friends PLEASE, After all their not on the " Liverpool Pathway DIEt"

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I recently put up a bird feeder. The kids are absolutely delighted by watching the sparrows feeding from it 2 or 3 at a time. I'm hoping to encourage different types of birds, the garden is a work in progress so I'll be thinking about the right sort of shrubs for the critters and birds :)

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I have a bird bath in the garden. I love to watch the birds bathing, what I am not too happy about is the fact that the pigeons after a wash and brush up, turn and cr*p in it!!! Rendering useless for the other birds to use it for drinking!!!!! DIRTY BIRDS!!!!!

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we have a pond, rabbits (a source of hay and fluff) and a bird feeder, next door have a few massive trees. There are so many birds it gets quite loud. I was sat in my garden taken photos of a mother feeding quite a large chick on our shed roof, suddenly a massive bird attacked them. I am not sure whether it got one but I haven't seen the baby since:sad: A tree full of birds emptied straight after it attacked.


Its ruined my bird watching fun. I now just watch the skies paranoid that the bugger will get my rabbits!

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I had a sparrow hawk around some while ago. It caught a mouse on the garden, but it hasn't been back since, thank goodness. The little birds soon came back. Now if it got the blasted magpies/crows/etc.................!!


I don't know what it was I just saw a flash of bird. I was very surprised it would attack in an estate and in a small garden with a person in it though!

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we've always had a lot of sparrows in our garden and they must have had a good breeding season as there are loads of chicks. it's great to see them frolicking in the bird bath which, along with the feeders, is next to a hawthorn hedge which offers refuge should a sparrowhawk come along.

it's important to keep the bath clean by using a mild disinfectant once a week or so.

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I don't know what it was I just saw a flash of bird. I was very surprised it would attack in an estate and in a small garden with a person in it though!
We had a sparrohawk drop in ours a while back, to pick at the dog's bone. I remember putting a thread on here with a photo, to help ID the bird of prey.


In an estate, in a small garden, about 3 yards from the kitchen window with two persons watching, about 3 yards from the conservatory french doors with the dog going absolutely bonkers about it.


The sparrowhawk was not bothered about the attention and the dog noises/movements in the least. Not seen it near the estate since (but seen it -or another- plenty around the nearby fields and forest).

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