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Bird Bath - for pleasure

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I have a family of green finches reared, fledged and flown in the garden and it prevented me from pruning the tree. That tree will remain untouched as they were here last year and I expect will return next.


We have a birth bath, now found dry each day in this heat, which we are trying to keep filled but there's an abundance of bird life that visits. It really is a wonderful experience watching the arrivals wing in and ablute!


I too would encourage anyone to fill any shallow container and leave it out. Who knows what may turn up at!

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I don't know what it was I just saw a flash of bird. I was very surprised it would attack in an estate and in a small garden with a person in it though!

My Son G/Friend lives a top floor maisonette and they have a covered carport right outside the kitchen window,a Sparrowhawk sat about 4 ft away from the open window tucking into a pigeon with my Son and Girlfriend watching from the open window. It wasnt worried about them being there at all and they weren,t being particularly quite either, They really are brazen birds :)

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I hadn't looked it up but yes I think it was a sparrowhawk as the flash was grey. I am really quite disturbed, I was friends with that baby bird I have seen it before....I think!




for some reason (I hadn't thought about this before) we don't get magpies:huh:


we do get some pigeons but its mainly swallows, sparrows and a crazy abundance of blackbirds-they are everywhere!

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I had a terracotta tagine that cracked on the stove so am using that as a birdbath at the moment. We regularly get blackbirds bathing and drinking and a squirrel just popped by gor a drink. I am currently refilling it twice a day.

I'll probably purchase a base for it to get it off the ground level as some prefer baths that way. As I type Mr blackbird has arrived for a bath and a sparrow just had a drink.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Found a old butlers sink in my late fathers garden, cleaned it up and waterproofed it and now its a little pond, put in a small fountain and couple of plants and the birds love it, have a good splash about. Have to keep unclogging feathers out of the little pump out though :hihi:

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I've tilted the dustbin lid at an angle, so one side is deeper than the other, to drink most go to the deep end, but to bath they start off getting in at the shallow end and moving deeper as they grow in confidence (at lease thats what it looks like -LOL)

It (the "Bird Bath") holds about 6 Litres so doesn't run dry, but I change the water every day, thinking I wouldn't want to drink Day old water - I must be going doolally.

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