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Neo nazi terror arrest

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I wouldn't worry too much. The DCRI is going to be onto him like a pack of starved ticks now. Especially after the flak that department has recently been taking on the back of the Merah affair.

a pack of starved ticks lol, i like it

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a pack of starved ticks lol, i like it
Under their previous name, they did a full background check on me BITD, before I was posted for my National Service (it was a 'sensitive' posting).


I remember being properly astounded by their efficiency (I never knew they'd done it, until I'd been in post for weeks - and they'd found just about every last skeleton in my cupboard :gag:)...considering I hadn't been living in France for years before I went back to do my NS!

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Under their previous name, they did a full background check on me BITD, before I was posted for my National Service (it was a 'sensitive' posting).


I remember being properly astounded by their efficiency (I never knew they'd done it, until I'd been in post for weeks - and they'd found just about every last skeleton in my cupboard :gag:)...considering I hadn't been living in France for years before I went back to do my NS!

heh heh


and lots of skeletons there was? Oo



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i know

ive been into extreme metal since the 80s, i had this conversation about (norwegian in particular) black metal, neo nazism and church burning on here before, and got shot down in flames surprisingly

its to do with the viking aspect and old norse mythology, odinism plus when you go down the dark route, theres nothing so dark and evil as nazism lol


Sure that's not onanism?

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Sure that's not onanism?

errrrrrrrrm nope



Odinism is a type of Germanic neopaganism, specifically focussed on honoring Odin and other Norse deities in the pre-Christian religion of Scandinavia.


The term "Odinism" is sometimes associated with racialist Nordic ideology, as opposed to "Asatru" which may or may not refer to racialist or "folkish" ideals. Although, with the introduction of the concept of Metagenetics by Asatru Gothi Stephen A. McNallen, some view it that way. As defined by Goodrick-Clarke (2002), Nordic racial paganism is synonymous with the Odinist movement (including some who identify as Wotanist). He describes it as a "spiritual rediscovery of the Aryan ancestral gods...intended to embed the white races in a sacred worldview that supports their tribal feeling", and expressed in "imaginative forms of ritual magic and ceremonial forms of fraternal fellowship".


---------- Post added 19-07-2013 at 19:30 ----------


just noticed this bit on that page


The British-based Odinist Fellowship was established by Ralph Harrison in 1988[17] and is unaffiliated with the US organization founded by Christensen. The British Odinist Fellowship is registered under English law as a religious charity.


The aim of the Odinist Fellowship, according to its constitution is "to practise, promote and propagate Odinism. By Odinism is meant the original, indigenous form of heathen, polytheistic religion and spiritual beliefs, practised by the ancestors of the English and related northern European peoples, as embodied in the Eddas and as they have found expression in the wisdom and in the historical experience of those peoples." The Odinist Fellowship, according to its website, claims that Odinism is England's "native and national faith".


Odinists practise a nine-fold calendar and the Odinist Fellowship's liturgy of worship and sacrifices are published in "The Book of Rites". A notable achievement of the British Odinist Fellowship was to gain legal recognition for the Odinist religion in the case of "Holden v Royal Mail PLC(2006)", when a ruling was made to declare that Odinism is to be recognized as a religion for the purposes of anti-discrimination legislation


does that mean in theory the EDL should be practising odinism not having logos with the crusaders etc on??


---------- Post added 21-07-2013 at 20:35 ----------




why / how he killed euronymous in his own words

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