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Watch out for scam e-mails

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My house phone line and E-mail provider is TalkTalk with whom I have a direct debit agreement. The other day I got an E-mail, supposedly from TalkTalk saying I had changed my bank details and thatI was £146 : 25 in arrears.

The scam E-mailers wanted me to send details of my bank account|


I contacted TalkTalk directly on 0800 542 3735 and told them of this E-mail.

They hadn't sent it and it has turned out to be a SCAM.

If any reader gets anything similar I would advise you to ignore it and contact whoever your provider.

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On a similar topic: An item on last Friday's Radio-4 edition of 'You & Yours'

highlighted a scam called 'courier fraud'


Basically someone calls you claiming to be a police officer saying your credit/debit card

has been cloned and the at the police would like the original card. the officer says

an authorised courier will be sent to your home to collect the card. The caller also

asks you to enter your card pin number on your phone key pad.


The item starts about 1 minute 50 seconds on the following link.



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I love getting the Nigerian relation ones. Recently, I turned down yet another 10% offer to have 100,000,000 m $ transferred into my bank account in order to help rescue / save another PM / President from a coup / toppling while on holiday / business trip to US / Europe.


Keep them coming.

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