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Vigilantism - Man Murdered

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Some people will read that story and demand to know if she was mugging the guy rather than protecting him:|
That isn't as daft as it sounds, some members have cornered the market on misconstruing/misquoting others posts to cause an argument and get topics closed, it's one of their favourite tricks.
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My grandfather told me how, in World War I, rioters attacked businesses with German names; some shops put up signs saying "We are Swiss".

German Shepherds were renamed Alsatians for their own and their owners safety.


Same sort of thing; work up a scare and somebody acts on it.

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That isn't as daft as it sounds, some members have cornered the market on misconstruing/misquoting others posts to cause an argument and get topics closed, it's one of their favourite tricks.


finally, you've Twigged, with what you've been doing in every thread you posted in

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