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Your first experience of alcohol

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As a young un at the family parties I used to go round drinking the dregs from the bottles of Double Diamond and cans of Long Life but my first proper drink was a pint of Tetleys at the Kings Head, Poole road in Darnall. I would have been 16ish and it tasted like nectar. I still get the taste sometimes now, better then the beer now. Got drunk on rum and blacks on my 21st birthday in 1973 and have never touched it since

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Sherry trifle aged 4.


Been addicted ever since.


It didn't stop there. I moved on to rum ba-bas in my teens.


I joined the AA. But didn't stick with it. I found The RAC much cheaper.


Other than that ............. What do I know?

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Having a Barley Wine in the Five Arches, with two friends, Maria Bramhall (nee Howard ) and Anita Oxley (nee Caruso ) !958 age 17. Wonder where they are now, would love to hear from anyone who knows them. We then went on to Fred Holmes, dancing, singing all the way down Herries Road. Oh Happy Days!!!!

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I was a pre nursing student working in the TSSU (theatre sterile supplies unit) at the Royal Infirmary Hospital.

It was Christmas 1976 and I was 16.

The ladies who worked there smuggled me into a pub somewhere behind the Infirmary and I had my first taste of Babycham !

Shame on you ladies !:hihi:

Would love to hear from any of those ladies if they are still with us.

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Er, can of Top Deck from 'Swannies' on Hangingwater Road?!!


Unlike my older brothers, I was adamant I would not drink alcohol but often had half a lager outside pubs on the way to away football matches. I was 15. But it never bothered me.


Then the family business had a Christmas do that year at a pub on The Wicker and I think I tried a pint of bitter. Hated it. But found myself buying a couple of cans of the stuff from a corner shop around Christmas 1985.


Then some mates contacted me to say they'd started going in The York, in Broomhill - this was February 1986. I was 16. I had two and a half pints of Tennants and lime and I was as fist as a part. We got kicked out of The York so began drinking in The West End. I tried bitter again - Tetley's - and this time it didn't taste too bad. By Christmas 1987 I was a fully signed up member of the Ward's Appreciation Society (not that such a society ever existed but you understand). The Ward's beer in The Hallamshire on Commonside was simply beautiful.


And that's how it all began. I still drink. Yes. I certainly still enjoy 'a pint!' But I can go three, four, five days without a drop - if I must.

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I've never been a big drinker but I do miss a pint of Wards,the first proper drink I had in a pub was in the barrel on london road, a pint of wards and it tasted like rabbit gravy, I can still taste it now I was 16 at the time.

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Cider! of the most vilest kind - white lightening... 14 years old, got so drunk i threw up out of my nose and passed out and had to be taken to hospital to have my stoamch pumped - got grounded for a month! didnt touch another drop of alcohol until just before my 18th birthday which was a glass of port in portugal.... I cant even look at the cider adverts without wanting to be sick and i still get the smell of it in my nose :-)

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Five bottles of lager and lime at a 21st at the Plough, Sandygate Rd. in 1960. I was as high as a kite and nearly fell off the stage playing my guitar. I have since became used to it and can handle a few pints with dignity - if I choose so to do.

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