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Your first experience of alcohol

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We're talking real alcohol here, right? I think I was about eleven years old. I'd had a taste of beer and I used to have a swig of my father's stash, a quart bottle of Ward's, from time to time, so you could say I was hip. In fact he'd give me a taste now and again, not too much though. One night he was knocking it back as usual and I was looking, you know, so he put an inch of, what I thought was beer into a glass, and I knocked it back. It was the only time I actually said 'F****** hell in front of my parents. It was whiskey.

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We're talking real alcohol here, right? I think I was about eleven years old. I'd had a taste of beer and I used to have a swig of my father's stash, a quart bottle of Ward's, from time to time, so you could say I was hip. In fact he'd give me a taste now and again, not too much though. One night he was knocking it back as usual and I was looking, you know, so he put an inch of, what I thought was beer into a glass, and I knocked it back. It was the only time I actually said 'F****** hell in front of my parents. It was whiskey.



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This may sound strange to many but up to the age of eighteen I had never bothered about alcohol being too busy playing football, cricket and hiking, that is until I was called up to do National Service, and eventually posted to an operational RAF Aerodrome, and it was decided that at Christmas our section, aircraft instruments, would have a dinner at a local posh hotel, fine so we all put our names down, WAAF's included, it was arranged and off we all went dressed in our "Best Blue" and not wishing to be a spoil sport I ordered a pint of cider, and that's when the trouble started, at the end of the meal I was violently sick all down by best uniform and from than on it is all a blur, and the next thing I remember was sitting in the hotel reception and being sponged down by a very pretty WAAF, and eventually my mates got me on the bus back to base and bed, and it was not too long before I was back to normal on duty the next day, after a while and more upsets I learned I am allergic to cider! so switched to beer, obviously, the pretty WAAF?, she became one my best mates, yes, mate, and we worked together servicing aircraft for many month, and I said mate because she was engaged to an Airframe Sergeant.

Since those far off days I had my share of bitter, but now enjoy real ale and single malt whisky

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