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Your first experience of alcohol

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I was 12 and it was new years eve (millennium) and my aunty had left her vodka and orange on the side. Except it was mostly vodka with a touch of orange to give it color. I drank it all thinking it was orange, and was laughing my head off for quite a while after. My aunty kept wondering what I was laughing at until she went to get a drink of her vodka :hihi:. I woke up with a headache the next day. Didn't stop me having vodka and redbull as I got older though :roll:.

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My Father took me to the Parson Cross Hotel,sitting me in the corner between Mrs Steele and Mrs Wragg,returning from the bar with a pint for himself,2 halfs for the old ladies,and an orange for me.

One of the old ladies told my Father off,saying he couldn`t bring me in and buy me pop,and get him a proper drink.....with this,she pushed her drink to me,and my Father duly got her another....4 or 5 halfs later,the lounge was spinning,and I had to go sit outside on the step,much to the amusement of all concerned.

The walk home was the worse part,I had to be extracted from numerous privet hedges the length of Buchanan Road,by my greatly amused Father....who, for years after, delighted in regaling other family members with the story .

It didn`t do me any harm,I became a regular in the old Cross,only ceasing my patronage when my Father died.

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Coincidentally my first taste of alcohol was 47 years ago today 30th July 1966, the day England won The World Cup. I was on holiday in Spain with mum and dad and they let me have a glass of champagne cocktail to celebrate. The rest as they say is history - see you in Shakespeares in 4 hours :thumbsup:

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Coincidentally my first taste of alcohol was 47 years ago today 30th July 1966, the day England won The World Cup. I was on holiday in Spain with mum and dad and they let me have a glass of champagne cocktail to celebrate. The rest as they say is history - see you in Shakespeares in 4 hours :thumbsup:


Hi Dot,


Is it really 47 years to the day since Bobby Moore lifted that trophy? I too was in Spain; Blanes on the Costa Brava to be precise; when the World Cup final occurred. My three friends and I celebrated with a few beers after driving along the front with a full size union flag draped over my car, whilst tooting the well known jingle on the horn. It wasn't my first encounter with alcohol by any means but it's certainly one I'll never forget.



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