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Has Nick Clegg Sold Out?

Has Nick Clegg Sold Out?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Has Nick Clegg Sold Out?

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:hihi: Really, so joining forces with a party who did not have a mandate for top-down reorganisation and privatisation of the NHS is not selling out is it????

What happened with their pledge on student loans???

On which page of the Lib Dem manifesto was the privatisation of the the Post Office mentioned???

Where were the LibDems when tax cuts for the wealthy were announced???:hihi:Arf,arf.

Which bit of my post did you fail to understand?


"Yes he has in the same way any party leader that enters a coalition will have to "sell out" some of their manifesto ideas to form a coalition, so just as Cameron "sold out" by removing some tory manifesto pledges from the coalition agreement."


Seemingly all of it like some blue rinser from worthing shaking her bony fist at Cameron for his failure to implement the tory manifesto in full because of his sell out to the Liberals.


Too dim to walk around.

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Which bit of my post did you fail to understand?


"Yes he has in the same way any party leader that enters a coalition will have to "sell out" some of their manifesto ideas to form a coalition, so just as Cameron "sold out" by removing some tory manifesto pledges from the coalition agreement."


Seemingly all of it like some blue rinser from worthing shaking her bony fist at Cameron for his failure to implement the tory manifesto in full because of his sell out to the Liberals.


Too dim to walk around.



Keep taking the tablets!

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That's one question, an equally valid one is have they kept a lot of things they don't believe in out of law?


I thought they previously believed in the Health Service, disagreed with student loans, disagreed with Post Office privatisation and oh yeah, what did the Tories do with the LibDems Mansion Tax proposals. Ever got the feeling you are being done?

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I thought they previously believed in the Health Service, disagreed with student loans, disagreed with Post Office privatisation and oh yeah, what did the Tories do with the LibDems Mansion Tax proposals. Ever got the feeling you are being done?


Well the Cons have quite literally conned the Libs on all fronts :suspect:

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I thought they previously believed in the Health Service, disagreed with student loans, disagreed with Post Office privatisation and oh yeah, what did the Tories do with the LibDems Mansion Tax proposals. Ever got the feeling you are being done?


OK that's twice. You're clearly not capable of understanding basic English or if you are then you're just trolling so enjoy your stay here and talk to other people. Preperably in "I'm bored", it's less how can I put this so you'll get it, "thinky talky".

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