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Vatican offers 'time off purgatory' to Pope Francis' Twitter followers

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It's pathetic. What I am scared of is the fact that some people will believe this rubbish and still consider the catholic church a force for good despite its abominations past and present.
What scares me are people like you who will take any opportunity they can to spread anti catholic bigotry with hate speech, and if it isn't the Catholics its the Muslims.


I know many decent practicing Catholics (some of whom are my own relatives) who live good lives. I'm sure they don't all believe in traditions that go back to the middle ages and won't be compelled to, but if they want to do so its entirely their choice.

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What scares me are people like you who will take any opportunity they can to spread anti catholic bigotry with hate speech, and if it isn't the Catholics its the Muslims.


I know many decent practicing Catholics (some of whom are my own relatives) who live good lives. I'm sure they don't all believe in traditions that go back to the middle ages and won't be compelled to, but if they want to do so its entirely their choice.


Good for you janie,


Having just watched the dignified and forgiving example of Mrs Greaves, whose husband was murdered on Christmas eve, and seen the way her faith has given her strength, and how the congregation of her church have supported her, you have to admit it can be very much a force for good.

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Good for you janie,


Having just watched the dignified and forgiving example of Mrs Greaves, whose husband was murdered on Christmas eve, and seen the way her faith has given her strength, and how the congregation of her church have supported her, you have to admit it can be very much a force for good.

Those I refer to won't pay any attention to that Anna, or to the fact that Lee Rigby's family are Christians and have been comforted by their faith, the details of which I read in the "Christian news" where they expressed their gratitude to those who sent condolences and gifts from people all over the world, including those from Muslim communities.

No they don't want to see the part that is a force for good, because it upsets their agenda.

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Those I refer to won't pay any attention to that Anna, or to the fact that Lee Rigby's family are Christians and have been comforted by their faith, the details of which I read in the "Christian news" where they expressed their gratitude to those who sent condolences and gifts from people all over the world, including those from Muslim communities.

No they don't want to see the part that is a force for good, because it upsets their agenda.


My background is Catholic, on both sides, mercifully lapsed on both sides by my parents. Our lass the same.


Can Catholics be good people? Of course they can they can be fantastic people. But they/we don't have that get out clause the muslim does that the XYZ dickish version of islam isn't their version so they can be muslim and pick and choose.



Catholic does not work that way. It has structure based on the "legitimate sucessors of Peter" who say what catholic is and you obey or you sin and as soon as you reject that structure you're not catholic. and that structure is rotten to the core.


So sure catholics can be great people, but they still supline to an evil structure until they break out and stop being catholics. There is no "reform" catholic movement for a reason. You either stay in the cult or you grow a set and leave.

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My background is Catholic, on both sides, mercifully lapsed on both sides by my parents. Our lass the same.


Can Catholics be good people? Of course they can they can be fantastic people. But they/we don't have that get out clause the muslim does that the XYZ dickish version of islam isn't their version so they can be muslim and pick and choose.



Catholic does not work that way. It has structure based on the "legitimate sucessors of Peter" who say what catholic is and you obey or you sin and as soon as you reject that structure you're not catholic. and that structure is rotten to the core.


So sure catholics can be great people, but they still supline to an evil structure until they break out and stop being catholics. There is no "reform" catholic movement for a reason. You either stay in the cult or you grow a set and leave.

Then they're are over a billion Catholics all over the world you are accusing of being "rotton" by association.


I am aware that it isn't the cult that you describe and any member is free to leave or return whenever they wish unless they have been excommunicated for any reason. My father was a lapsed Catholic for most of his life, until during a stay in hospital being treated with a terminal illness he was visited by an RC chaplain. Following his discharge he later expressed a desire to have a local priest visit.


I shall never forget that priests kindness, and so much appreciate the support the church you describe as being "rotten to the core" offered my father and family in the final months of his life.

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Then they're are over a billion Catholics all over the world you are accusing of being "rotton" by association.


I am aware that it isn't the cult that you describe and any member is free to leave or return whenever they wish unless they have been excommunicated for any reason. My father was a lapsed Catholic for most of his life, until during a stay in hospital being treated with a terminal illness he was visited by an RC chaplain. Following his discharge he later expressed a desire to have a local priest visit.


I shall never forget that priests kindness, and so much appreciate the support the church you describe as being "rotten to the core" offered my father and family in the final months of his life.


Perfect example of the rot. Disgusting cult and no there is no excuse for it.


Preying on the dying who have rightly rejected this guff to me is a very clear example of their self serving ways.

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Those I refer to won't pay any attention to that Anna, or to the fact that Lee Rigby's family are Christians and have been comforted by their faith, the details of which I read in the "Christian news" where they expressed their gratitude to those who sent condolences and gifts from people all over the world, including those from Muslim communities.

No they don't want to see the part that is a force for good, because it upsets their agenda.


I don't have a problem with you believing whatever you like or taking comfort where you can. I do have a problem with the Vatican using its power to hide rapist priests, cover-up after them, bury evidence and allegations of abuse and then have to be taken to court before they will disclose anything. Then they try to avoid the pay-outs by trying to declare bankruptcy.


Not to mention its interfering in policy where ever it still has some sway, causing the needless harm and suffering of millions of women who want contraception or abortion and allowing HIV to proliferate.


I am sure some people will find comfort in the hope that their dead loved ones are waiting for them and Jesus loves them. Otherwise why would anyone be crazy enough to remain loyal to this evil, predatory franchise?

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What scares me are people like you who will take any opportunity they can to spread anti catholic bigotry with hate speech, and if it isn't the Catholics its the Muslims.


I know many decent practicing Catholics (some of whom are my own relatives) who live good lives. I'm sure they don't all believe in traditions that go back to the middle ages and won't be compelled to, but if they want to do so its entirely their choice.


I've read enough of the bible - Old an New Testaments - to know the Catholic church is, on balance, not a force for good for the world.


There are a few simple reasons. Their holy books:


1) prescribe the stoning to death of women - for the heinous crime of pretending to be a virgin.


2) prescribe the execution of people who do not believe priests.


3) prescribe the execution of people who work on 'the Sabbath'.


4) prescribe the execution of homosexuals.


5) prescribe the execution of people who follow other religions.


6) prescribe the execution of atheists.


7) prescribe the stoning to death of rape victims.


8 ) state women should be submissive to men.


9) state women should not be permitted to teach men.


10) state women are of lower status than men.


11) permit ownership of women.


12) state women should be silent in church.



And that's without getting into the sexual abuse of children by its priests, the damage the religion has caused due to the church's stance on condoms, or the frankly bonkers claims it makes about the world. It's impossible for me to have any respect for this religion.


Now, that's not to say that there aren't lovely Catholics out there - I've met plenty, but I don't believe for one second they're good people because of their Catholic beliefs. Rather, they're good people in spite of their Catholic beliefs.

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