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With this hot weather Health and Safty is being used as an excuse to keep people in their uniforms.


What are your views?


I was listening to the radio, about a lollypop lady that they have to wear the big coat, and hat, and they cannot even role up the sleeves on the coat because health n safety says so, and they will not be insured.

Surely people are safer at work if the employers do everything that they can to make their employees more comfortable.

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As normal with most "Health & Safety" instructions, I doubt this comes down to Health & Safety at all, and almost entirely down to the demands of insurance companies and the busybodies who have to decide the rules.


If a lollypop lady gets knocked over by a car while wearing the full get-up, it's virtually impossible for the driver to claim they didn't see her. If she's stripped off into just bog standard clothes, it's far easier to claim she blended into the background and the driver was concentrating on avoiding the children and she just stepped out into the road m'lud. Because she wasn't wearing the required hi-vis gear, I imagine it would be a pretty easy job for the drivers insurance company to negotiate a much reduced payout.

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I dont have a link, it was on radio Leeds about an hour ago.


In the case of some of these issues over uniform, it must be a cost issue. Loppypop ladies should surely have hot AND cold weather clothing that drivers can see. I personally want to wear shorts. Not allowed because of risk of injury and sun burn :loopy:

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I am a nurse & our uniform is SO HOT ! to wear I mean , before the comments start. But we have to wear it & the shoes have to be covered ones because of Health & Safety ,and they are so uncomfortable & my feet throb by the end of the shift but we have to grin & bear it .

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Not directly relevant to this but I reckon when the next couple of months of cases go up we'll see some hot weather related ones.


Most of the so called 'health and safety' excuses that are banded around are denounced somewhere in this index by the HSE. I actually think its an entertaining read.




Next time you are told that something cannot be done for health and safety reasons and it sounds unreasonable you can submit a case report and the panel will look into it. They are trying to stop the health and safety being used as an excuse for everything.

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I am a nurse & our uniform is SO HOT ! to wear I mean , before the comments start. But we have to wear it & the shoes have to be covered ones because of Health & Safety ,and they are so uncomfortable & my feet throb by the end of the shift but we have to grin & bear it .


Shoes are for walking, women are more used t wearing more open shoes, not as much of an issue for most men. Unless you are talking about steel-toe capped shoes.


Like hellfleet says, its all an excuse to justify someones job. If I wear my trainers, I am much more nimble on my feet. That is more important than having steel toe caps.

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Shoes are for walking, women are more used t wearing more open shoes, not as much of an issue for most men. Unless you are talking about steel-toe capped shoes.


Like hellfleet says, its all an excuse to justify someones job. If I wear my trainers, I am much more nimble on my feet. That is more important than having steel toe caps.


Re - read what hellfleet says.

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I'm not against sensible health and safety measures.

Just the stupid ones, or the ones that aren't really health and safety at all.


I used to work for a company that used large wood cutting machinery, circular saws and those scary circular saws that swing across and cut a log in half. Were we allowed to use a Stanley knife.... nope - it had to be some terrible plastic contraption with massive guards around the cutting area so actually cutting anything with it was really difficult.


Steel toe caps in situations where heavy items are being moved around are fairly sensible I think. I don't think a well fitting pair of work boots would really degrade most people's agility to a significant extent. Certainly not as much as shattered toes would!


All within reason though! Many companies go over the top with their measures like forcing PPE throughout an entire large site including the low risk areas like offices etc.

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