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'Decades of austerity needed to cut debt'

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Don't get your hopes up anytime soon, if you thought the economy was on the mend. According to George Osborne 'Decades of austerity are needed to cut debt.'


Britain faces further tax rises and spending cuts totalling nearly £60 billion on top of the £153 billion measures already pencilled in. Also the Office for Budget Responsibility says 'Allowing 140,000 immigrants of working age into Britain each year would help meet these costs by boosting employment and tax receipts.' ???


So no significant payrise in the pipeline. Yet Bankers bonuses are higher than they've ever been, private companies like G4S rip us off, more and more people are barely earning the minimum wage, and still the rich get richer.


Ever get the feeling we're been played as suckers? Not really fair is it?

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So no significant payrise in the pipeline. Yet Bankers bonuses are higher than they've ever been, private companies like G4S rip us off, more and more people are barely earning the minimum wage, and still the rich get richer.


Ever get the feeling we're been played as suckers? Not really fair is it?


So what's the solution?


There's more of us being played than there is the rich, we can out vote them in an election and put the powers that we want in charge. If we can find the powers who can enact this mystical solution without ruining the country even more.

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The debt needs to be paid it's as simple as that, if the OP can come up with a brilliant scheme then I'm all ears.


Currently the only option is to slash costs and/or increase taxes.


Since most people don't want massive tax increases we'll have to slash costs.

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The debt needs to be paid it's as simple as that, if the OP can come up with a brilliant scheme then I'm all ears.


Currently the only option is to slash costs and/or increase taxes.


Since most people don't want massive tax increases we'll have to slash costs.


Actually, when the government is blithely printing money in the trillions, what is the debt and Who is it owed to? There is more money sloshing around the world than ever before - where is it going?


We are being conned big time. Bankers bonuses this year are bigger than ever, there's the scandal of the BBC contracts that have paid out millions of our cash in unnecessary severence pay, top civil servants with their snouts in a bottomless trough, G4S ripping us off to the tune of billions, more jobs being lost or going into the private sector at minimum wage so the bosses can make more profit.... and so it goes on.


Do you think that's fair? The rich are getting richer while we are being told we have no money?

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Don't get your hopes up anytime soon, if you thought the economy was on the mend. According to George Osborne 'Decades of austerity are needed to cut debt.'


Britain faces further tax rises and spending cuts totalling nearly £60 billion on top of the £153 billion measures already pencilled in. Also the Office for Budget Responsibility says 'Allowing 140,000 immigrants of working age into Britain each year would help meet these costs by boosting employment and tax receipts.' ???


So no significant payrise in the pipeline. Yet Bankers bonuses are higher than they've ever been, private companies like G4S rip us off, more and more people are barely earning the minimum wage, and still the rich get richer.


Ever get the feeling we're been played as suckers? Not really fair is it?


You borrow money. You have to pay it back. The government borrowed £1200 billion pounds. Shall I spell that out one thousands two hundred billion pounds. That is £19500 for every person in the country. They thought it was a great idea to borrow money to make us think we had a better standard of living than we actually had. So they spent it on extra nurses, extra welfare, extra infrastructure that we couldn't afford. It was a real vote winner until the bills came in. In fact our standard of living is actually around £2000 per person less than we currently think because the rest is still going on the government credit card.


I know it is all very nice to imagine we can nip out with the Visa card and buy flat screen TVs, new furniture and nice cars. But at some point the nasty man from Visa comes along and asks you to pay for it all.

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Don't get your hopes up anytime soon, if you thought the economy was on the mend. According to George Osborne 'Decades of austerity are needed to cut debt.'


Britain faces further tax rises and spending cuts totalling nearly £60 billion on top of the £153 billion measures already pencilled in. Also the Office for Budget Responsibility says 'Allowing 140,000 immigrants of working age into Britain each year would help meet these costs by boosting employment and tax receipts.' ???


So no significant payrise in the pipeline. Yet Bankers bonuses are higher than they've ever been, private companies like G4S rip us off, more and more people are barely earning the minimum wage, and still the rich get richer.


Ever get the feeling we're been played as suckers? Not really fair is it?


It would be better to employ 140,000 unemployed benefits claimants each year which would cut government expenditure and increase tax receipts at the same time.

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Actually, when the government is blithely printing money in the trillions, what is the debt and Who is it owed to? There is more money sloshing around the world than ever before - where is it going?


We are being conned big time. Bankers bonuses this year are bigger than ever, there's the scandal of the BBC contracts that have paid out millions of our cash in unnecessary severence pay, top civil servants with their snouts in a bottomless trough, G4S ripping us off to the tune of billions, more jobs being lost or going into the private sector at minimum wage so the bosses can make more profit.... and so it goes on.


Do you think that's fair? The rich are getting richer while we are being told we have no money?


We are not being conned big time. We are living beyond our means.You just lack the aptitude to understand it.

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So what's the solution?



UK foreign aid budget is about 8.7 billion euro for the year of 2011. By 2014, foreign aid is suppose to reach about 12.4 billion


Save 12.4 billion a year by stopping foreign aid.

Save more by closing up our porous boarders and save even more by making foreign nationals or asylum seekers pay for treatment on the NHS BEFORE they get it.

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brilliant scheme
The rich get richer because they own the debt, right?


Well, default on the debt then. Globally.


The rich get made poor overnight, countries' balances of payment are zeroed, no more cuts are needed. The world economy does a hard reboot.


The end.




(EDIT: mind you, I'd give it 6 months before we start seeing the rich and poor divide start to grow again - tops)

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