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'Decades of austerity needed to cut debt'

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I have a better idea. You believe what you like. I'll believe what I like and you can save your advice for folk who think it is worth the listen.
Fair enough.


Though it's not a question of my beliefs: the fudging of official statistics by Gvts for self-serving/political purposes has long been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, in as many countries as one cares to name, going back as far as one cares to go. It's the nature of the beast.


Here's an infinitesimal -but representative- sample, if you ever feel the need to start vindicating your beliefs (or otherwise) :)


Germany - employment statistics systematically falsified by Federal Employment Office, 2002


China - widespread "seriously false" data reporting by Chinese provincial authorities to China's national statistical bureau, 2012


US - Making 9 Million Jobless "Vanish": How The Government Manipulates Unemployment Statistics, 2012


Don't bother swamping the DWP with FoI requests, though. They always have an excuse to turn down relevant requests.

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I'd not heard of these. So I thought I'd have a look-see.


And, since they are called 'Liberty', where best to start but at 07 - freedom and democracy...


...They make UKIP look politically masterful :D

I don't really know much about the UKIP. The only reason I heard about this party was because a mate of mine was watching a youtube of Paul Weston called "I'm a racist" It was really interesting, and as an exiled Pom everything he said seemed to make sense. We all know it will never happen, but something has to be done to soften the hard lines drawn by the PC brigade.

I like this one the best.

"Allow pubs and restaurants the choice of operating as smoking or non-smoking establishments."

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When did living within your means become beyond the pale?


But hospitals are expensive. Armies are expensive. Transport and infrastructure are expensive. Everything is expensive and if we can't get enough money in via tax receipts to pay for all the doctors and nurses, teachers, soldiers, nuclear weapons etc etc etc then we have to borrow.


Or are you suggesting we just don't bother with things like hospitals, schools and armies?


Also going back to a question Anna B asked you earlier (and sorry if you've answered it but I'm juggling three things and keep losing track of the thread) what were the extravagant spending commitments that G Brown agreed to? I don't remember him shelling out loads of money on stuff we didn't need. I recall him merging two govt departments and cutting civil service numbers dramatically.


Of course if tax receipts continue to be too low to fund the Govt spending plans there is another, radical and leftfield option.


Have a thriving economy, with full employment, no tax loopholes and no sales of profitable concerns to the private sector. Simples

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But hospitals are expensive. Armies are expensive. Transport and infrastructure are expensive. Everything is expensive and if we can't get enough money in via tax receipts to pay for all the doctors and nurses, teachers, soldiers, nuclear weapons etc etc etc then we have to borrow.


Or are you suggesting we just don't bother things like hospitals, schools and armies?


...Have a thriving economy, with full employment, no tax loopholes and no sales of profitable concerns to the private sector.


Perhaps you could make a start by not sending money to other countries - money they use to fund their nuclear weapon programmes, fund their armies, arm rebel groups etc?

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But hospitals are expensive. Armies are expensive. Transport and infrastructure are expensive. Everything is expensive and if we can't get enough money in via tax receipts to pay for all the doctors and nurses, teachers, soldiers, nuclear weapons etc etc etc then we have to borrow.



But don't you have to pay back what you borrow plus a bit of interest on top. So if you can't afford something borrowing a bit to allow you to get it just means you have to do without something else to pay for it. Or do you have a credit card that doesn't require you to pay back what you borrow? In which case we would all like to know about that one.

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Couldn't we just tax the corporations, banks and financial institutions properly?


It is nonsensical that it would harm the economy if the ones who didn't want to pay their fair share left. They're the ones exploiting our system, pumping wealth out, and making us pay to maintain the system they take their money from.


So if the ones that didn't pay their proper taxes were kicked out, there'd be less of a drain on our economy anyway.


Can't work out why people always think everything's the fault of the unemployed, the working poor, and immigrants. Come off it. We're all getting shafted.

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I see a lot of ignorance about immigrants in this thread which can only have the intention to influence public opinion


You seem to be obsessed and annoyed with people trying to influence public opinion....and yet here you are again.... Trying to influence public opinion.

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