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Official - less crime says Dave.

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Interesting as the rape statistics are up.


I expect the police can't hide a rape case from the figures like they do most of the crime that hits our estate.


Jimmy Savile sparks rise in rape claims


More than 1,350 people have come forward to lodge allegations, 950 of them date back over 20 years.


The rise, a 2% jump on last year, was revealed in yesterday’s annual crime figures.


John Flatley, of the Office for National Statistics, said: “I wouldn’t be surprised to see these figures continue to rise.”




Rape Figure Rise Attributed To Jimmy Savile Investigation


Rapes rise due to 'Savile effect'

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The falling crime is a result of a lack of children to commit crime in the first place as they age.


Look at the baby boom years (periods where the TFR increases), look at the crime rate (for most crimes) roughly 20 years after the baby booms...

Crime goes up.


And after a baby bust, crime goes down.


In the UK, UK people have not been breeding in order to replace themselves for 42 years now.


Makes me think of mistreat animals, they don't breed, but if you feed them well, provide them with adequate housing (spacious cages) and they breed.


There is an economic effect on crime, but I think the sheer lack of young, disadvantaged, disenfranchised people to commit it in the first place is having a greater effect on the overall crime figures, than the increased disadvantage, and disenfranchisement of the youth living in enforced poverty, simply because there isn't as many youth as what there was in the past.

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Meanwhile, in the real world.....


I know two people who were murdered in the 90s. Don't know anyone in the 00s, and no-one (so far) in the '10s, so as far as I'm concerned, the severity of crime has decreased in the last 20 years.

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Anecdotal evidence counts for little but my experience since mowing to one of the renowned estates of Sheffield is that I've experienced and stopped a burglary on my property. I've been the victim of another attempted break-in.


My neighbour got burgled, ransacked, smashed door and window, the works. It is not the first or second time either for them.


I see all manner of 'crime', which I report but the police response falls just short of asking me to go and arrest the perp, and bring them in. Seriuosly, it doesn't just stop at giving details, but includes, can you go and find where they live?


As for the police, they seem to enjoy flying in a fast car at speed onto the estate and frightening off the very people they are supposedly after. Lots of flash and bang but little softly softly and certainly no arrests or removal of the known crims we have here.


And, yes I've seen 2 police cars and umpteen officers all to deal one man, who offered no resistance but was kept face down on the pavement before they conceded it was best to let him up and allow him to walk home. The reason? They asked him where he lived and he said 'over there' followed by 'I'll show you.'


Unbelievable fiasco.


We set the burglar alarm when we leave the house and each night when we sleep, listening out for any intruder.


Thanks, Dave. Great job.

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It's not the tories it was the ONS, a quango. Interesting the BBC ran a debate on this and it seems to fly in the face of public opinion


Is public opinion based on statistical evidence like the ONS?


---------- Post added 19-07-2013 at 10:49 ----------


Crime is down, across the western world for many reasons that that has been the case for centuries. Its not just the UK seeing the difference, its places like the USA, Australia, Europe etc.


10-20 years ago people would burgle houses and steal TV's etc as these where worth a lot of money, but as they have decreased in value, so the crime no longer has the same reward, while the penalty for being caught has remained the same or got tougher.

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