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Lib Dem MP suspended because he dared criticise Israel

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Questioning a countries right to exist is serious. Would he have said this about any other country?


I suspect he'd have said it about apartheid South Africa.


Perhaps he just wants the Israeli's discrimination against Arabs to end:

The survey found that a majority of the Jewish public -- 59 per cent -- say they want a system that gives preference to Jews applying for civil service jobs. Arabs, who constitute 20 per cent of the Israeli population, complain such a policy unofficially exists already.


Just under half of respondents, 49 per cent, said they want the state to treat Jewish citizens better than Arab ones, while 42 per cent said they did not want to live in the same building as Arabs and did not want their children to go to schools that also admit Arabs.


Tellingly, 58 per cent of those surveyed said Israel already practices a system of apartheid against Palestinians, an opinion normally only voiced by the Jewish state’s staunchest critics.

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I suspect he'd have said it about apartheid South Africa.


Perhaps he just wants the Israeli's discrimination against Arabs to end:


As an mp he's be in a good position to raise questions about such a survey in the house, probe the foreign office on the veracity of the stats and give impassioned speeches on the matter that were well sourced and credible.


Dog whistle jew hating on twitter however just seems like, in his head at least, there are lots of votes among parts of his constituency in being an anti-semitc div, regardless of the parliamentary consequences.

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But he didn't.


As South Africa no longer has an apartheid system it wouldn't make much sense slagging it off now.


Israel though didn't always criticise South Africa during the apartheid years and actually built ties with Pretoria. It signed a secret arms treaty with South Africa in 1975 when both countries were considered pariah states. Vorster and Botha both visited Israel in the 70s and Sharon reciprocated in 81.

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And that's relevant to OP's post #1 because...?


Are you making up rules about posts now because of the links between Israel and apartheid I mentioned? You didn't say anything about altus' post which mentioned apartheid after all. Have the rules changed since then?

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And that's relevant to OP's post #1 because...?


I asked a question. You cannot answer it.



You're setting yourself up for those posts to be quoted back at you next time you post something that's not directly related to the OP of a thread.


Threads drift - it's called a discussion.


You will no doubt continue avoid the point about apartheid in Israel.

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