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What's The Pentagon Hiding?

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What more compelling evidence? Can you name one piece of compelling evidence that refutes the official story in any of the following cases?

yeah erm dem youtube videoy things like errrm weird


---------- Post added 19-07-2013 at 12:15 ----------


Maybe the Pentagon is hiding a set of smaller pentagons inside it, like a Russian doll

i like this idea so far rootsys winning at the moment

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It's not really something that requires to be 'got around'.


Did you actually listen to that interview you posted?


Firstly, he wasn't a police officer, he was a civilian who worked for the police.


He explicitly admits that he didn't have a very high security clearance


- "I wasn't privy to the detailed terrorist information from special branch"


Then he goes on to say it was only after he watched the guff from people like Alex Jones that he went down this road anyway.


And that he did all his research at home, no websites like Alex Jones'.


So it's simply not the case that this guy has inside knowledge and knows anything, he goes on all the same stupid websites you do and was convinced by that. People like Alex Jones have just latched on to it because he used to work for the police.


A principle intelligence officer isnt privvy to good info and works from home :)


Looks like he was leaned on to me.

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A principle intelligence officer isnt privvy to good info and works from home :)
Yes, that's precisely what he says.


That he didn't have a high security clearance and that he researched all this stuff at home on his own time.


The fact that he worked for the police is not particularly relevant.


Also, I see now where you plagiarised your post from, do you also believe in a satanic world elite out to create a one world government?

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Having been interested in all things relating to cover ups and conspiracies.


I have recently been interested in the following and have lead to the conclusion that things in other countries always had a habit of ending up at the Pentagon, evidence of any kind always ends up there, so no way in this world can anyone access information when they are by default dealt with by the MOD at the Pentagon. Even Presidents are kept in the dark by MOD's, they never know the entirety of situations because assassinations, terrorist attacks, close encounters with other beings, these things never get passed on to leaders, they are dealt with by some covert organisations, like a men in black type group.




Lady Diana

Moon landings

Lights over Phoenix

Roswell UFO incident

Rendlesham Forest incident

Berwyn Mountain UFO incident

Don't forget;-


Dr David Kelly (Calm in nature, cleared with Top Secret Security clearance and about to sink the Govt's 'WMD' case - he "committed Suicide"!:rolleyes:)


'Boston Brakes' (Sir Ranulph Ffiennes supports the theory of the existence of a shadowy organisation that 'nobble' vehicles remotely- it happened against Sir Peter Horsely, former equerry to the Queen- and a former SAS Officer). he believes Diana could have been killed this way.


Malcolm X?

Martin Luther King?


John Lennon?

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Don't forget;-


Dr David Kelly (Calm in nature, cleared with Top Secret Security clearance and about to sink the Govt's 'WMD' case - he "committed Suicide"!:rolleyes:)


'Boston Brakes' (Sir Ranulph Ffiennes supports the theory of the existence of a shadowy organisation that 'nobble' vehicles remotely- it happened against Sir Peter Horsely, former equerry to the Queen- and a former SAS Officer). he believes Diana could have been killed this way.


Malcolm X?

Martin Luther King?


John Lennon?


I thought 3 of the four were shot and people convicted for their murder. Perhaps the "bullets" were actually tiny cars flown by aliens. I'm such a sheep for not seeing it!

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'Boston Brakes' (Sir Ranulph Ffiennes supports the theory of the existence of a shadowy organisation that 'nobble' vehicles remotely- it happened against Sir Peter Horsely, former equerry to the Queen- and a former SAS Officer). he believes Diana could have been killed this way.


Yeah - sooper sekrit technology in the hands of shadowy organisations is a far more likely explanation of a car crash than a driver who's had too much alcohol and is travelling too fast :cool:

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OK, time to enlighten some people Bedrock!









Seems to me scientists have booked their place in the underground bases by blaming plebiscites for Global warming - NB There are 3/4 HAARP facilities near the North Pole - The US Military base at Gakona Alaska, European Union Weather Weapon at Omsk in Norway, and those lovely people who started it all off, the Russians - they tried to do it with Short Wave Radio close to the Iron Curtain in the 70's - which led to the international agreement that no country would use Weather Weapons on other nations - see the Ventura program - that explains it all. And Blighty? Also guilty of the deaths of people in the Lynmouth disaster in 1952 - Operation Cumulus.




The twin towers - building 7 reported on 'pre air' reporting by BBC BEFORE it went off!



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OK, time to enlighten some people Bedrock!









Seems to me scientists have booked their place in the underground bases by blaming plebiscites for Global warming - NB There are 3/4 HAARP facilities near the North Pole - The US Military base at Gakona Alaska, European Union Weather Weapon at Omsk in Norway, and those lovely people who started it all off, the Russians - they tried to do it with Short Wave Radio close to the Iron Curtain in the 70's - which led to the international agreement that no country would use Weather Weapons on other nations - see the Ventura program - that explains it all. And Blighty? Also guilty of the deaths of people in the Lynmouth disaster in 1952 - Operation Cumulus.




The twin towers - building 7 reported on 'pre air' reporting by BBC BEFORE it went off!



oh noez not youtube links :o

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OK melthebell, here is just one that isn't:




Interesting at the time all this was going off, there was a Hurricane off the state of New York and no-one was evacuated; also check out the missing engine blocks from the cars parked no where near the twin towers and the unusual rusting of one half of the vehicles, with the rest in perfect condition!


Oh I see you lumped the BBC News article with YouTube - well not spotted!:hihi:

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OK melthebell, here is just one that isn't:




Interesting at the time all this was going off, there was a Hurricane off the state of New York and no-one was evacuated; also check out the missing engine blocks from the cars parked no where near the twin towers and the unusual rusting of one half of the vehicles, with the rest in perfect condition!


The hurricane was several hundred miles offshore and followed the path of many hurricanes away from the mainland to the NE - they don't all make landfall you know.


Without watching the video (bonkers stuff from Judy Wood) the "rusting" will be fire damage - ever seen a burnt out / fire damaged vehicle?

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