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What's The Pentagon Hiding?

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Having been interested in all things relating to cover ups and conspiracies.


I have recently been interested in the following and have lead to the conclusion that things in other countries always had a habit of ending up at the Pentagon, evidence of any kind always ends up there, so no way in this world can anyone access information when they are by default dealt with by the MOD at the Pentagon. Even Presidents are kept in the dark by MOD's, they never know the entirety of situations because assassinations, terrorist attacks, close encounters with other beings, these things never get passed on to leaders, they are dealt with by some covert organisations, like a men in black type group.




Lady Diana

Moon landings

Lights over Phoenix

Roswell UFO incident

Rendlesham Forest incident

Berwyn Mountain UFO incident


I don't believe a word you say. You are clearly deluded, as you have not once used the word "sheeple".

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Longcol - are you a freemason?


No - why on earth would I be :huh:


If you want to put a label on me then anarcho-syndicalist is probably the nearest you'd get.


---------- Post added 20-07-2013 at 01:33 ----------


Princess Diana - start by reading the transcripts of the inquest, and compare what was actually said with the media version of what was said.


Which media version - the Express version would seem to me to differ considerably from those of the, say, the Telegraph.


Wasn't the verdict something like "unlawful killing due to grossly negligent driving of the Mercedes and the pursuing vehicles" - any evidence that Phil the Greek and / or Special Branch etc were in the pursuing vehicles?




Thought not.

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They are hiding a huge black hole in Egypt. It may have originally had something to do with the pyramids but now it's more to do with propping up their preferred system. It has already absorbed $8 billion via the Moslem Brotherhood and is poised to absorb another $1.3. Feeding the crocodile in the hope that it eats you last springs to mind.

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Having been interested in all things relating to cover ups and conspiracies.


I have recently been interested in the following and have lead to the conclusion that things in other countries always had a habit of ending up at the Pentagon, evidence of any kind always ends up there, so no way in this world can anyone access information when they are by default dealt with by the MOD at the Pentagon. Even Presidents are kept in the dark by MOD's, they never know the entirety of situations because assassinations, terrorist attacks, close encounters with other beings, these things never get passed on to leaders, they are dealt with by some covert organisations, like a men in black type group.




Lady Diana

Moon landings

Lights over Phoenix

Roswell UFO incident

Rendlesham Forest incident

Berwyn Mountain UFO incident

And this children, is why you should always take the medicine the doctor prescribes for you...
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@Rampant - as Longcol did not offer any explanation - here is what they are about:




Be interesting to know how to overcome Globalisation and the Corporate role of supplying the food chain internationally!


---------- Post added 20-07-2013 at 15:10 ----------


@Bedrock. This what you are looking for?




Interesting note from the uploader:


"Published on 15 Jan 2013


I do not own the rights to this show. I am simply putting these shows out there as many other YouTubers have already done (it's how I get them to begin with). As everyone knows, Ventura's show has had unprecedented difficulties in airing (to put it nicely), so here's some help for those who have trouble finding it. Great show.


I have also "edited them for TV", meaning I've removed the majority of repetitive bookends, recaps and dumb-down dialogue that producers shove into shows like this. I know Ventura himself doesn't like the way they "dumb down" the various episodes with the goofy spy-thriller reality-show-hype junk, so that's all been "censored". Hope you like the recut.


I apologize if I removed anything critical to or preferred within the show. This is the best I could do with what the show's studio owners (not Ventura) allow us to see (I would love to see deleted scenes, too bad there'll never be a proper home release)."

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Be interesting to know how to overcome Globalisation and the Corporate role of supplying the food chain internationally

We are not supposed to overcome globalization. All National borders are to be eliminated and all sense of a National Identiy destroyed. This is the "utopia" that far left extremists are fighting for and Cameron is pushing us towards. The elite will then have at their disposal a human pool which they can exploit at will, while they live in their isolated island homes in the sun.

Austerity? You ain't seen nothing yet.

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to be fair to the op. His point is governments/police/ people who should know better cover things up to maintain an image. Everyone else says they dont. He quoted the Hillsborough disaster, everybody side stepped that one to de bunk the easier stories. im not a tin foil hat wearer but i do believe there is more than the government let on.

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to be fair to the op. His point is governments/police/ people who should know better cover things up to maintain an image. Everyone else says they dont. He quoted the Hillsborough disaster, everybody side stepped that one to de bunk the easier stories. im not a tin foil hat wearer but i do believe there is more than the government let on.

authorities DO cover things up, that goes without saying




some things conspiracy NUTS come out with are just stupid to the point of............well, disbelief

thats the problem, they become that obsessed they see a conspiracy in everything, and believe everything they read or hear on said conspiracy

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I am not exactly a conspiracy freak nor do I think everything is attached with some other motive.


But I will say this, about 90% of what the government claims is truth is most probably lies.


If we really knew about what goes off in the ministry of defence, then there would either be a mass war or perhaps, a united earth could begin. As former President Ronald Reagan said:


“in our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.


“I occasionally think,”continued Reagan, “how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask”


“is not an alien force ALREADY among us?”


“What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?”

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