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West Midlands police fear a serial mosque bomber

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Until it's proved otherwise it looks like he was on his own, but if you like I can blame people like yourself, apologists.


Unusually obtuse for you retep, you're accusing me of being an apologist for this European nationalist on the basis his actions don't represent Caucasians generally (assuming he's guilty)?


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 11:18 ----------


what if he had previous thou ?


He may have encountered difficulties in obtaining a work visa

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Unusually obtuse for you retep, you're accusing me of being an apologist for this European nationalist on the basis his actions don't represent Caucasians generally (assuming he's guilty)?


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 11:18 ----------



He may have encountered difficulties in obtaining a work visa


I think you are mixing two unrelated things BoyFriday.


I think it's resonable to take his behaviour as representative of his ideology, that of neo-nazism. His race has nothing to do with it.


Just like when a Mulsim detonates a bomb or cuts a head off shouting Allah Akbar, I think that is representative of the inspiring ideology, that of Islam. Nothing to do with ethnicity though, as ideologies like Islam and Nazism/Neo-nazism can transgress ethnic and national boundaries.

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I think you are mixing two unrelated things BoyFriday.


I think it's resonable to take his behaviour as representative of his ideology, that of neo-nazism. His race has nothing to do with it.


Just like when a Mulsim detonates a bomb or cuts a head off shouting Allah Akbar, I think that is representative of the inspiring ideology, that of Islam. Nothing to do with ethnicity though, as ideologies like Islam and Nazism/Neo-nazism can transgress ethnic and national boundaries.


I think you're missing my (playful, provocative) point SevenRivers..he's a white, European male-to the Muslim extremists his actions are representative of whites generally, that's what the Muslim hate sites are advocating anyway, just as the white nationalist and right wing websites claim every Muslim is a terrorist when our life experiences of them indicates otherwise...they're simply two sides of the same coin.


Last night I found myself defending white folks against some vitriolic statements about whites on a Muslim community site because of events in the west midlands, rather like I often find myself here defending rank & file Muslims..ironic innit?

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Unusually obtuse for you retep, you're accusing me of being an apologist for this European nationalist on the basis his actions don't represent Caucasians generally (assuming he's guilty)?


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 11:18 ----------



He may have encountered difficulties in obtaining a work visa


I'm not accusing you of being an apologist of this nutcase,

but of the reason he may have taken his actions.

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I think you're missing my (playful, provocative) point SevenRivers..he's a white, European male-to the Muslim extremists his actions are representative of whites generally, that's what the Muslim hate sites are advocating anyway, just as the white nationalist and right wing websites claim every Muslim is a terrorist when our life experiences of them indicates otherwise...they're simply two sides of the same coin.


Last night I found myself defending white folks against some vitriolic statements about whites on a Muslim community site because of events in the west midlands, rather like I often find myself here defending rank & file Muslims..ironic innit?


But when a black man chopped the head off Lee Rigby, nobody suggested it was something to do with his skin colour did they? Did anybody ever say anything about all black people in relation to the Woolwich murderers? Which is what you are doing with this Ukranian.


The black man in Woolwich was inspired by Islam, the white Ukranian inspired by neo-nazism. While others pick up on the Woolwich murderers Islam ideologist inspiration, you pick up on the Ukranians skin colour as a factor rather than the fact he was a neo nazi. It doesn't work BoyFriday, there is no equivocation between race and ideology in either case.

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I'm not accusing you of being an apologist of this nutcase,

but of the reason he may have taken his actions.


Well if he's guilty he's clearly unhinged-it's one thing being a neo-Nazi but it's quite another resorting to acts of terrorism in a foreign country. I genuinely believe people like this whether they be Nazis or Al Qaeda are pre-disposed towards violence and subconsciously are drawn to causes that allow them to manifest their sociopathy through acts of murder and terrorism.

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Well if he's guilty he's clearly unhinged-it's one thing being a neo-Nazi but it's quite another resorting to acts of terrorism in a foreign country. I genuinely believe people like this whether they be Nazis or Al Qaeda are pre-disposed towards violence and subconsciously are drawn to causes that allow them to manifest their sociopathy through acts of murder and terrorism.


Which country would you rather be caught in committing atrocities, lets have a look at Ukrainian prisons,


Prisons in Ukraine are regulated by the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, a part of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.


There are 32 preliminary prisons, 131 penitentiary establishments for adults and 8 colonies for minor criminals in Ukraine.[1] According to Amnesty International, torture and ill-treatment by the police is widespread in Ukrainian prisons.[2][3] Several police officers have been arrested for allegedly torturing detainees.[4]


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Which country would you rather be caught in committing atrocities, lets have a look at Ukrainian prisons,


Prisons in Ukraine are regulated by the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, a part of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.


There are 32 preliminary prisons, 131 penitentiary establishments for adults and 8 colonies for minor criminals in Ukraine.[1] According to Amnesty International, torture and ill-treatment by the police is widespread in Ukrainian prisons.[2][3] Several police officers have been arrested for allegedly torturing detainees.[4]



Sorry I don't really get your point, the country he committed the atrocity in is incidental.

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Sorry I don't really get your point, the country he committed the atrocity in is incidental.



He probably knew what he'd get if he committed his crimes in his own country, so took an easier option just incase he got caught, same crime softer sentence.

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