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West Midlands police fear a serial mosque bomber

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Of course there was a link - the overwhelming motive for terrorist attacks tends to be due to political issues.


Just because you want to blame mainstream Islam for all the bombings etc does not mean it is fact.


I suggest you read Robert Pape's in depth analysis of terrorism he has researched from 1980 to 2004 ( a year before the London bombings)- in his book Dying to Win.


Not you or any of the Islamophobes have done any such study so have no room to make such conclusions- all just wishing to fill your bigoted heads with the drivel you pick up from the media and anti Islamic websites.


Quoting Robert Pape from his interview with The American Conservative:










And here is a fantastic 13 min video debate from Mehdi Hasan at the recent Oxford Union debate- clearly debunks some myths and puts the Islamophobes in their places!


Do yourself a favour and try to have an open mind- let go of your bigoted views and don't stay a prat all your life. LEARN.


I notice you didnt link any of the videos on the side bar claiming Islam is not a peaceful religion,it would have helped balance your argument,or is it a case of this man says its so therefore it must be.


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 17:48 ----------


Thankyou Mr Fisk. Alas, it's probably a case of pearls before swine, but if even one blockhead takes the trouble to read, understand and incorporate these ideas it won't have been wasted effort.

And even if one blockhead takes the time to click on the other videos negating Islam it wont have been a wasted effort...Touche my friend

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no asking you how you would stop this from happening which again you failed to answer:roll: you ought to be thanking me for muddying the waters seeing as you do a lot of it on other threads :hihi::hihi::hihi:


typical mels asking questions no one can answer :hihi::hihi:


as BF said, you CANT stop it


you cant stop ALL immigration


how do you identify a "clean skin" as theyre called before they do someathing?


you cant


sadly this one managed to kill one person before he was thankfully stopped, couldve been a lot worse


to all intents and purposes i gather he looked like a decent young fella coming here to start summer work at a decent workplace, just like millions of young people do the world over


but he held a dark secret, how do you identify that dark secret before it manifests itself in murderous ways? you cant, unless you minutely look into everybodys private lives to discover their true passions, likes, dislikes, etc

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as BF said, you CANT stop it


you cant stop ALL immigration


how do you identify a "clean skin" as theyre called before they do someathing?


you cant


sadly this one managed to kill one person before he was thankfully stopped, couldve been a lot worse


to all intents and purposes i gather he looked like a decent young fella coming here to start summer work at a decent workplace, just like millions of young people do the world over


but he held a dark secret, how do you identify that dark secret before it manifests itself in murderous ways? you cant, unless you minutely look into everybodys private lives to discover their true passions, likes, dislikes, etc

so why ask the question ?


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 18:18 ----------


Thankyou Mr Fisk. Alas, it's probably a case of pearls before swine, but if even one blockhead takes the trouble to read, understand and incorporate these ideas it won't have been wasted effort.
would you be saying the same thing when someone turns this around ?
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so why ask the question ?

i was replying to something somebody said about immigration due to this case, its called friendly debate / banter

something you seem to be struggling with since no matter what i say you seem to be always striving for a fight

yet me, glamrocker and seven seem to be able to hold an adult conversation despite being on opposite sides of the divide, you just seem intent on sniping and scoring points at every opportunity :rolleyes:

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i was replying to something somebody said about immigration due to this case, its called friendly debate / banter

something you seem to be struggling with since no matter what i say you seem to be always striving for a fight

yet me, glamrocker and seven seem to be able to hold an adult conversation despite being on opposite sides of the divide, you just seem intent on sniping and scoring points at every opportunity :rolleyes:

whom am i scoring points against :roll: i was asking you how you would do things? bf interjected with his answer and now your following his lead:suspect: stop throwing the dummy out of the pram when things get tough mel :hihi::hihi::hihi:
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aaaaaaanyway back to the topic


hes appeared in court


and some more details have emerged about his work / study life


Mr Lapshyn is a PhD student at the academy and, according to his teacher and research advisor, Viktor Laskin, is one of the academy's top students


Detectives from West Midlands Police have flown to Ukraine to continue their investigations into Mr Lapshyn.


The student came to the UK for a work placement with Delcam, a company that specialises in software for manufacturing industry.


Mr Lapshyn was awarded the work placement as part of a project in which international students get the chance to work temporarily at the company.


In 2012, he attended a ceremony at the Kiev residence of the UK's then ambassador, Leigh Turner, in which top students from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine received prizes as part of the scheme.

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Of course there was a link - the overwhelming motive for terrorist attacks tends to be due to political issues.


Just because you want to blame mainstream Islam for all the bombings etc does not mean it is fact.


I suggest you read Robert Pape's in depth analysis of terrorism he has researched from 1980 to 2004 ( a year before the London bombings)- in his book Dying to Win.


Not you or any of the Islamophobes have done any such study so have no room to make such conclusions- all just wishing to fill your bigoted heads with the drivel you pick up from the media and anti Islamic websites.


Quoting Robert Pape from his interview with The American Conservative:










And here is a fantastic 13 min video debate from Mehdi Hasan at the recent Oxford Union debate- clearly debunks some myths and puts the Islamophobes in their places!


Do yourself a favour and try to have an open mind- let go of your bigoted views and don't stay a prat all your life. LEARN.



I've no doubt some terror attacks are motivated by political opposition to foreign wars in "Muslim lands", but that doesn't negate the on point criticisms of Islam as still playing a key role in the ideology.


But then how does this explain terror attacks on people like Theo Van Gough, or the cartoonists, or burning down the office of a French magazine? Blasphemy against Islam, insulting their good book, their prophet, their religion is the motivation there, it cannot be put down to anything else.


And this "evidence" that Muslims are motivated by political opposition to western nations waging war against their lands omits a big white elephant in the room, the fact that Muslims commit terrorist atrocities all over the world, not just in western nations involved in warfare in Islamic countries - from blowing up school girls for the crime of attending school in Afghanistan, to people shopping for bread at a market in Baghdad, to trying to wipe out Christians in Nigeria.


One commonality running through all Islamic attacks regardless of underlying motivational factors is they always shout Allah Akbar. You don't think they believe their murderous actions are sanctioned by their god, a gift to their god or doing gods work?


I hope the blockheads can read and understand this.

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I've no doubt some terror attacks are motivated by political opposition to foreign wars in "Muslim lands", but that doesn't negate the on point criticisms of Islam as still playing a key role in the ideology.


But then how does this explain terror attacks on people like Theo Van Gough, or the cartoonists, or burning down the office of a French magazine? Blasphemy against Islam, insulting their good book, their prophet, their religion is the motivation there, it cannot be put down to anything else.


And this "evidence" that Muslims are motivated by political opposition to western nations waging war against their lands omits a big white elephant in the room, the fact that Muslims commit terrorist atrocities all over the world, not just in western nations involved in warfare in Islamic countries - from blowing up school girls for the crime of attending school in Afghanistan, to people shopping for bread at a market in Baghdad, to trying to wipe out Christians in Nigeria.


One commonality running through all Islamic attacks regardless of underlying motivational factors is they always shout Allah Akbar. You don't think they believe their murderous actions are sanctioned by their god, a gift to their god or doing gods work?




Islamism (Islam+-ism) or Political Islam (Arabic: إسلام سياسي‎ Islām siyāsī, or الإسلامية al-Islāmīyah) is a set of ideologies holding that "Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life".[1] Islamism is a controversial neologism, and definitions of it sometimes vary (see below). Leading Islamist thinkers emphasize the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law); of pan-Islamic political unity; and of the selective removal of non-Muslim, particularly Western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences in the Muslim world that they believe to be incompatible with Islam
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