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West Midlands police fear a serial mosque bomber

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Do you think my comparison between the attacks on Lee Rigby and Mohammed Saleem suggests that anything is being over egged by anyone?


Yes. That sums it up nicely. I'm glad you raised it.


For a start Lee Rigby was a member of our armed forces, and was targetted by extermists who filmed the incident and it made news around the worrld after the attack appeared on YouTube and the suspects hung around to attack police.


Now through your bias or utter naivety you think the murder of a muslim should attract the same attention purely because he is a muslim. You need to smell the coffee.


What was your opinion of the murder of Vincent Graham?

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Yes. That sums it up nicely. I'm glad you raised it.


For a start Lee Rigby was a member of our armed forces, and was targetted by extermists who filmed the incident and it made news around the worrld after the attack appeared on YouTube and the suspects hung around to attack police.


Now through your bias or utter naivety you think the murder of a muslim should attract the same attention purely because he is a muslim. You need to smell the coffee.


Are you suggesting that Saleem's murder is any less abhorrent, or that it should attract any less of a response from the police and security services?

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Are you suggesting that Saleem's murder is any less abhorrent, or that it should attract any less of a response from the police and security services?


You see there you go again. I never said either of those things. That's just you trying to twist things round in your attempt to justify the hours you've wasted banging that particular drum.


What's your opinion of the murder of Vincent Graham?



I'm going to leave you with that thought. I know you've got more time on your hands than most and that folk who don't agree with your every word have a habit of disappearing from the forum.

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You see there you go again. I never said either of those things. That's just you trying to twist things round in your attempt to justify the hours you've wasted banging that particular drum.

What's your opinion of the murder of Vincent Graham?



I'm going to leave you with that thought. I know you've got more time on your hands than most and that folk who don't agree with your every word have a habit of disappearing from the forum.


On the contrary. I was asking you a question. Perhaps you could answer it rather than throwing your toys out of the pram?

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On the contrary. I was asking you a question. Perhaps you could answer it rather than throwing your toys out of the pram?


On the contrary. I did answer your question fully. I just didn't give the answer that you wanted me to, or you lacked the aptitude to understand it.

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Can you point to where?


That would be in my post 252. I have never suggested any murder should get less police attention, it is just you that feels they should get the same media attention. Any murder that isn't high profile or in the public eye is on the same level, but you only choose to highlight one particular one because it happens to be a muslim who was murdered, but not once have you commented on the murder of Vincent Graham which didn't.

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That would be in my post 252. I have never suggested any murder should get less police attention, it is just you that feels they should get the same media attention. Any murder that isn't high profile or in the public eye is on the same level, but you only choose to highlight one particular one because it happens to be a muslim who was murdered, but not once have you commented on the murder of Vincent Graham which didn't.


Why is Vincent Graham's murder noteworthy?

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That would be in my post 252. I have never suggested any murder should get less police attention, it is just you that feels they should get the same media attention. Any murder that isn't high profile or in the public eye is on the same level, but you only choose to highlight one particular one because it happens to be a muslim who was murdered, but not once have you commented on the murder of Vincent Graham which didn't.


People are pointing out the hypocrasy of some due to the uproar when it was a soldier and hardly a whimper when an 82 yr old Muslim man was stabbed in the back by an extremist also.

Was Vincent graham killed by an extremist?

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You see there you go again. I never said either of those things. That's just you trying to twist things round in your attempt to justify the hours you've wasted banging that particular drum.


What's your opinion of the murder of Vincent Graham?



I'm going to leave you with that thought. I know you've got more time on your hands than most and that folk who don't agree with your every word have a habit of disappearing from the forum.


Nice post and I couldn't agree more.

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