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West Midlands police fear a serial mosque bomber

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Do you have anything coherent to say about the bomb attacks on the mosques or the indiscriminate murder of a Muslim pensioner?
Pulling the stay on topic card? Really?


As if you and Halibut never derail other threads and question other peoples motives. Laughable.


Come off it. You always do this when confronted about your dubious motives.

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You've not noted the association between subjects relating to Muslims and a negative perspective? They're usually started by EDL/BNP/NF activsists or their apologists...hell willl have frozen over before you or any of your pals here started a Muslim themed thread with a positive reflection.

Iv asked numerous times what positive effect and what benefits does Islam bring to this country as yet no one has replied so it seems by the deafening silence your suggestion is something of a impossibility..its going to get cold down there.

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Since this thread seems to have diverted from its original topic, I will attempt to diffuse the animosity and bring it back online.

I am wondering what would cause someone to feel so threatened that they would go to the extent of bombing a mosque. Do they feel that Islam is a threat? Do they think that immigration policies disenfranchise them and so radical action is needed to illustrate this point? Should England become the battleground to solve international and religious differences? And finally, when are the Brits going to say enough is enough, and elect a government that places the interests of it's ethnic British population above those of other countries?

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..and this has what exactly to do with the thread or anything anyone's said on it?


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 10:48 ----------



Do you have anything coherent to say about the bomb attacks on the mosques or the indiscriminate murder of a Muslim pensioner?

Until we find out why the man did it its impossible to make any assumptions,if it had been another Muslim group or the right wing political groups the answer would have been simple,there again we dont know if the man was a Muslim or a right wing activist things seem to have gone very quiet in the media


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:38 ----------


Since this thread seems to have diverted from its original topic, I will attempt to diffuse the animosity and bring it back online.

I am wondering what would cause someone to feel so threatened that they would go to the extent of bombing a mosque. Do they feel that Islam is a threat? Do they think that immigration policies disenfranchise them and so radical action is needed to illustrate this point? Should England become the battleground to solve international and religious differences? And finally, when are the Brits going to say enough is enough, and elect a government that places the interests of it's ethnic British population above those of other countries?

Thats certainly going to wake the usual suspects up,the R word/insinuations will soon be highly visible ;)

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Pulling the stay on topic card? Really?


As if you and Halibut never derail other threads and question other peoples motives. Laughable.


Come off it. You always do this when confronted about your dubious motives.


I was asking the poster if he had anything to say about the OP. Since you felt your 'laughable' intervention was necessary I will ask you the same question.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:40 ----------


Until we find out why the man did it its impossible to make any assumptions,if it had been another Muslim group or the right wing political groups the answer would have been simple,there again we dont know if the man was a Muslim or a right wing activist things seem to have gone very quiet in the media
I hear what you say and I've been careful to paraphrase references to the suspect to not make any assumptions of his guilt.


However it would be perfectly possible to denounce the bombings and murder of Mr Saleem without speculating on who's guilty and their motives...the posters I've challenged have been unable to do so.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:42 ----------


Since this thread seems to have diverted from its original topic, I will attempt to diffuse the animosity and bring it back online.

I am wondering what would cause someone to feel so threatened that they would go to the extent of bombing a mosque. Do they feel that Islam is a threat? Do they think that immigration policies disenfranchise them and so radical action is needed to illustrate this point?

Well there's a delicious irony here in that the main suspect in the bombing and murder is an immigrant himself.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:44 ----------


Iv asked numerous times what positive effect and what benefits does Islam bring to this country as yet no one has replied so it seems by the deafening silence your suggestion is something of a impossibility..its going to get cold down there.


But it's a fatuous question, how can I or anyone say what benefits Islam has brought to this country if it's a religion we don't subscribe to? I let them get on with their worship and hopefully they don't choose to evangelise or inflict their beliefs on me.

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However it would be perfectly possible to denounce the bombings and murder of Mr Saleem without speculating on who's guilty and their motives...the posters I've challenged have been unable to do so.


That's not something I've noticed on this thread. All I've noticed are your ever more paranoid and desperate attempts to put the murder on a par for media and public interest with that of Lee Rigby, and you attempts to denounce everybody who doesn't see why they should be.


Perhaps it is you that is out of step with the world not the world that is out of step with you.

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That's not something I've noticed on this thread. All I've noticed are your ever more paranoid and desperate attempts to put the murder on a par for media and public interest with that of Lee Rigby, and you attempts to denounce everybody who doesn't see why they should be.
I haven't tried to place the murder on a par with that of Lee Rigby, but it's important to note that on a thread that was introduced specifically to discuss the mosque bombings and murder of Mr Saleem that you and others have sought to derail it entirely from it's intended subject matter.

Perhaps it is you that is out of step with the world not the world that is out of step with you.

I havent claimed to be in or out of step with the world.
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I was asking the poster if he had anything to say about the OP. Since you felt your 'laughable' intervention was necessary I will ask you the same question.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:40 ----------


I hear what you say and I've been careful to paraphrase references to the suspect to not make any assumptions of his guilt.


However it would be perfectly possible to denounce the bombings and murder of Mr Saleem without speculating on who's guilty and their motives...the posters I've challenged have been unable to do so.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:42 ----------


Well there's a delicious irony here in that the main suspect in the bombing and murder is an immigrant himself.


---------- Post added 26-07-2013 at 11:44 ----------



But it's a fatuous question, how can I or anyone say what benefits Islam has brought to this country if it's a religion we don't subscribe to? I let them get on with their worship and hopefully they don't choose to evangelise or inflict their beliefs on me.

The problem with Islam though is that, yes it is a religion but unlike other religions its also the way of life for its devotees i.e their life is ruled by the religion and not vice versa so again in that respect ,you being among others on here a seemingly defender of the faith,what benefits does it bring to our society ? by your propensity for its defence you must think it has its uses,that question by the way is open to any other non-muslim defendersof the religion which we see on here

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I haven't tried to place the murder on a par with that of Lee Rigby, but it's important to note that on a thread that was introduced specifically to discuss the mosque bombings and murder of Mr Saleem that you and others have sought to derail it entirely from it's intended subject matter.

I havent claimed to be in or out of step with the world.


But you are the one who has repeatedly brought up the name of Lee Rigby as a comparison. You constantly harp on about this one murder as though folks should have a greater concern about it than any other. Does it not occur to you that by devoting your life to this one incident purely because it involves a muslim that you are the one who is doing the discriminating.

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Since this thread seems to have diverted from its original topic, I will attempt to diffuse the animosity and bring it back online.

I am wondering what would cause someone to feel so threatened that they would go to the extent of bombing a mosque. Do they feel that Islam is a threat? Do they think that immigration policies disenfranchise them and so radical action is needed to illustrate this point? Should England become the battleground to solve international and religious differences? And finally, when are the Brits going to say enough is enough, and elect a government that places the interests of it's ethnic British population above those of other countries?


It's all to do with the Nudge, and it aint working some of the sheep are having none of it and will eventually turn on the sheepdog.

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