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West Midlands police fear a serial mosque bomber

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So obviously if he'd been Muslim it would be alright then.


You couldn't make this up.


Stop twisting it, the poster u replied to us saying I don't know that he is not a Muslim.

Where have I said or insinuated that if he was a Muslim it would be alright? :rolleyes:

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Stop twisting it, the poster u replied to us saying I don't know that he is not a Muslim.

Where have I said or insinuated that if he was a Muslim it would be alright? :rolleyes:


Why are we Hypocrites?


Regarding twisting you are the master along with your favourite race card.

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I know he isn't a Muslim, fact. :rolleyes:


Would you care to share these facts with the rest of us.


I think it is pretty clear that you are a Muslim deeply ashamed at all the atrocities your fellow Muslims commit on a daily basis, and are desperately searching to find any blade of grass to cling onto that other religions are as bad, and because they are not you are prepared to make assumptions and invent evidence to try to reinforce your not existent case.

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lmao at the blatant twisting and turning trying anything to get away from actually talking about the white supremicist in the op.

its funny but also quite scary in a way, that theres people that seem to have a similer mindset to a killer and terrorist

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lmao at the blatant twisting and turning trying anything to get away from actually talking about the white supremicist in the op.

its funny but also quite scary in a way, that theres people that seem to have a similer mindset to a killer and terrorist


So what would you call the all the Muslim murderers and their puppet masters the sexist Muslim clerics who promise suicide bombers martyrdom and 72 virgins on entering heaven.

Are these Muslim multitudes less evil than just one solitary none Muslim, or is it one law for Muslims and another for none Muslims.


---------- Post added 28-10-2013 at 21:15 ----------


White Non Muslim kills Muslim and plants bombs at mosques.


Have you any comment to make regarding this racist neo nazi non Muslim white killer or are you just focusing on other Muslim terrorist suspects to try and get the thread locked down? :rolleyes:


Have you any comment to make about this person muscling in on a predominantly Muslims activity.


---------- Post added 28-10-2013 at 21:19 ----------


I'm not sure you can describe an event that happened 12 years ago as an example of habit forming behaviour.

Oh and how many Muslim suicide/atrocities have taken place since 911 compared to before that date, are you now saying that this didn't start the ball rolling?


---------- Post added 28-10-2013 at 21:23 ----------


I think it's 'newsworthy' just as the recent murder of Drummer Rigby was newsworthy and it's the most recent example of terrorism on the UK mainland.


But did the white guy who bombed a mosque and murdered a Muslim claim that he'd been talked into it by his local priest, did he claim that it was in the name of Christianity unlike the Muslims who murdered Drummer Rigby when they claimed it was in the name of Islam?


---------- Post added 28-10-2013 at 21:24 ----------


Would you care to share these facts with the rest of us.


I think it is pretty clear that you are a Muslim deeply ashamed at all the atrocities your fellow Muslims commit on a daily basis, and are desperately searching to find any blade of grass to cling onto that other religions are as bad, and because they are not you are prepared to make assumptions and invent evidence to try to reinforce your not existent case.


Keep on board, it's great to see some members now standing up for what is right instead of kowtowing to these lovers/excusers of terrorism.

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Would you care to share these facts with the rest of us.


I think it is pretty clear that you are a Muslim deeply ashamed at all the atrocities your fellow Muslims commit on a daily basis, and are desperately searching to find any blade of grass to cling onto that other religions are as bad, and because they are not you are prepared to make assumptions and invent evidence to try to reinforce your not existent case.


I'm not ashamed and trying to make out other religions are just as bad, I'm pointing out the hypocrasy of when it's a non Muslim terrorist there isn't much hoo ha about it from the usual suspects, you being one of them. :rolleyes:

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So what would you call the all the Muslim murderers and their puppet masters the sexist Muslim clerics who promise suicide bombers martyrdom and 72 virgins on entering heaven.

Are these Muslim multitudes less evil than just one solitary none Muslim, or is it one law for Muslims and another for none Muslims.


id call all that off topic as the thread title and original post is about a white supremecist who killed a man and terrorised a community with bombs, are you really that stupid that you cant tell the difference between the subject of this thread and what you are contantly banging on about?

if you want to talk about islamic terrorists why dont you start a thread, or use one of the other 1 million and 1 thats already full of it?

if you want to talk about the "single" white supremicist and his campaign of hate youre welcome to

but tbh i think you want to derail the thread as you cant bring yourself to think anything but pride about what he did

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id call all that off topic as the thread title and original post is about a white supremecist who killed a man and terrorised a community with bombs, are you really that stupid that you cant tell the difference between the subject of this thread and what you are contantly banging on about?

if you want to talk about islamic terrorists why dont you start a thread, or use one of the other 1 million and 1 thats already full of it?

if you want to talk about the "single" white supremicist and his campaign of hate youre welcome to

but tbh i think you want to derail the thread as you cant bring yourself to think anything but pride about what he did


How can talking about Muslims be off topic when the topic is about a men that attacked Muslims, there motivations for the attack must be relevant to the topic.

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How can talking about Muslims be off topic when the topic is about a men that attacked Muslims, there motivations for the attack must be relevant to the topic.

yes the motivation was race hate, he hated none whites, its been posted numerous times


Sentencing, Mr Justice Sweeney told him: "You clearly hold extremist right-wing, white supremacist views and you were motivated to commit the offences by religious and racial hatred in the hope that you would ignite racial conflict and cause Muslims to leave the area where you were living


During interviews, Lapshyn told police he had murdered the grandfather of 22 because he hated "non-whites".


but if you know better than the police, judges and even the perpetrator :roll:

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