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Heatwave: "No Topless" rules in shops, pubs, etc?

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I'm not sure if there are such rules in shops, eateries and pubs, but for hygiene's sake, should there be?


Years ago, out with my fiancé, when I used to be physically in great shape and in a heatwave (1996-7?) in a pub in Skeggy, despite not having any tattoos nor appearing hairy/sweaty/dirty etc, was [maybe correctly, in hindsight?] asked by the landlord to put my shirt on! Even though we were sat near the open bar front, not near any food, which I didn't see anyway.


With some of the God-awful sights (and smells) that hot weather brings out, should there be/is there any ruling that demands the public to 'cover up' when inside certain premises?

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I'll sit in the garden, also the park, maybe even walk to the local shop without a t-shirt on, but anywhere else in public is out of bounds as far as i'm concerned.


i dont leave the house, dont wanna scare people

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