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Heatwave: "No Topless" rules in shops, pubs, etc?

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On my mates facebook page was a meme saying:


"During this heatwave, please remember to dress for the body you have, not the body you wished you had...."


Made me chuckle :)


Truer words were never spoken. :hihi:


Don't stores and restaurants in England have signs saying: NO SHOES, NO SHIRT, NO SERVICE?


---------- Post added 20-07-2013 at 02:30 ----------


Shirt must be worn at all times in pubs and bars.....seen a scrubber walking round Matalan with no shirt on :confused: what is the manager of the shop thinking about..?


I once saw a shirtless man (and he was no Brad Pitt) in a supermarket standing half in and half out of a large freezer rubbing his sweaty chest and back all over the bags of ice! :gag:


I started looking around for an employee to alert and thank goodness someone else beat me to it. They asked him to leave. The gross things people do. :help:

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Don't stores and restaurants in England have signs saying: NO SHOES, NO SHIRT, NO SERVICE?



I wish. :roll: That's the kind of customer service notice I like!


Some folk really don't get that what's appropriate wear in the privacy of their own home and garden just isn't right for the supermarket. :gag:

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I'm not sure if there are such rules in shops, eateries and pubs, but for hygiene's sake, should there be?


Years ago, out with my fiancé, when I used to be physically in great shape and in a heatwave (1996-7?) in a pub in Skeggy, despite not having any tattoos nor appearing hairy/sweaty/dirty etc, was [maybe correctly, in hindsight?] asked by the landlord to put my shirt on! Even though we were sat near the open bar front, not near any food, which I didn't see anyway.


With some of the God-awful sights (and smells) that hot weather brings out, should there be/is there any ruling that demands the public to 'cover up' when inside certain premises?


Cause its massively chavvy.


Should i be able to take my trousers off and sit in my pants?


You get a €60 fine in Barcelona if your caught with no top on in the street and too right to.


Should be double that for Meadowhall.

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Whilst I agree with a lot of the comments how come then that its different abroad ?

Everywhere you go in Spain or turkey for example in shops ,bars even restaurants its full off sweaty Brits so why is it ok in say Spain but not here ?


Ive seen people being asked to put their tops on in other countries.


Why should i have to sit on a seat that some sweaty bloke has been lounging in. Its rank


Would you say it would be ok for girls to walk down Fargate in bikini tops cause im pretty sure most people would have something to say about that?

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[maybe correctly, in hindsight?]


So when you were younger, you believed that people should have a sensible ammount of freedom, but now that you have got older you think differently.


Why stop at forcing men to wear their top, perhaps they will claim equallity and just cover their nipples? :hihi:

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