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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Actually that's quite a good video from the anti-fracking viewpoint.


I'm a fracking supporter as I work in the oil drilling business, but I still have plenty of reservations because there's not been a lot of reliable information given out. I'd like to see a couple of sites developed with the oil companies on their best behaviour to show what they are capable of by way of environmental protection.


And then the government should enforrce those rules. It's perfectly possible.

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Actually that's quite a good video from the anti-fracking viewpoint.


I'm a fracking supporter as I work in the oil drilling business, but I still have plenty of reservations because there's not been a lot of reliable information given out. I'd like to see a couple of sites developed with the oil companies on their best behaviour to show what they are capable of by way of environmental protection.


And then the government should enforrce those rules. It's perfectly possible.


To be honest mate i expected you to jump right on that vid and slate it, so good on you for being kinda impartial. :thumbsup:


I'm all for it if it can be proved it's not going to contaminate ground water to line the pockets of the already rich. We do need fuel but not at the expense of further problems down the line, problems the poor will have to deal with whilst investor drink from a filtered tap.

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All for it?

You just said this on another thread...


"Do you mean like the billions of gallons the fracking companies are going to pump underground to release a form of gas that no-one really wants ?"

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All for it?

You just said this on another thread...


"Do you mean like the billions of gallons the fracking companies are going to pump underground to release a form of gas that no-one really wants ?"


I think you missed the word "if".

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It was the "that no-one really wants" confused me.:huh:


Do you think folks living in the dales (or other areas) want all this disruption to line the pockets of those already set up for life ? When they wont see a penny advantage themselves ? :huh:

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We face poisoning for corporate pocket lining.

Shame on them.



A far better bet would be to let the rest of the world corner the market in cheap energy and buy all our goods from them. If all our businesses shut down we won't need the energy to power them.

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