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Fracking in Sheffield?

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No you didn't, and I aimed my remark too generally, my apologies.


I understand your feelings regarding the state as it has been run in recent years in regards to small business and the ordinary citizen. I do not share your distrust and cynicism.


Despite having three MPS in prison, creating a holocaust in Iraq and Afghanistan and spending all our money, I still believe the last Labour government was inept and incompetent rather than criminally intentioned.


We have lived in a time of unheard of prosperity in the west, largely due to the efforts of small and medium sized businesses and, the people who are employed by them. I agree that taxation is too high, so are benefits.


What we need, it seems to me, is a re organization of government spending so that those we need and value, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, emergency and armed services are properly rewarded and those that live of the periphery of these such as the disgracefully overpaid senior Managers of these services are reduced dramatically. Also those that work hard and "do the right thing" should not be penalized by taxation that goes to maintain the lifestyles of the idle and feckless.


The prosperity is illusory. We've lived through timed of excessive debt, and falling real wages. We rent our money from s banking sector that does what it wants. More and more of us have to rent homes that are usually mortgaged to the banks. Politicians and banks collude in this. The media colluded with them by putting out the very specific messages that keep the population dumb.


I accept that many politicians are hardworking with the right intentions but once they gain real power they have a tune to dance to.

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The prosperity is illusory. We've lived through timed of excessive debt, and falling real wages. We rent our money from s banking sector that does what it wants. More and more of us have to rent homes that are usually mortgaged to the banks. Politicians and banks collude in this. The media colluded with them by putting out the very specific messages that keep the population dumb.


I accept that many politicians are hardworking with the right intentions but once they gain real power they have a tune to dance to.


Im a bit confused.


I thought this thread was about extracting gas from the ground.

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Im a bit confused.


I thought this thread was about extracting gas from the ground.

It seems you'll always get people hijacking topics.

Blathering away about what it is like in other countries.


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 10:49 ----------


I am completely chilled thank you, It is you and Mr Gynt who seem to want to personalise this, I find this is a tactic used once an argument is lost.


Please feel free to inhabit your morbid negative world. Continue your rather pathetic conspiracy theories about how "they" are after you.


No argument is lost, we need Shale Fracking, what we don't need is people lecturing us about how it is in other countries etc.

My main concern is who will benefit from it or will we be conned as we were over North Sea Gas & Oil.

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Maybe we can have a register so that when we need to start rationing power then their house could be the first to be cut off. Im sure they wouldnt mind.


Or charge them £5 to boil the kettle.

Edited by Clown Shoes
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Mod Note


Please wait, sorting out the quotes


Right quotes sorted, people are no longer arguing with themselves, please be more careful when quoting other users.


Also I believe the topic concerns the process of fracking, perhaps we could return to that and not make personal comments.

Edited by esme
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Maybe we can have a register so that when we need to start rationing power then their house could be the first to be cut off.


There is a lot to be said for some system of energy rationing. Probably not an absolute system, where you are only allowed your ration, but perhaps charge at a higher rate once you've exceeded a set allowance?

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Think fracking should be stopped.


We should be willing to pay more in order to subsidise our energy, even if that means more windfarms.


My parents are rich and so not overly worried about prices going through the roof. iF its cold we just turn the heating up a little more and meet the costs.


Low energy costs are not the solution, people need to consider the merits of freezing to death first.

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