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Fracking in Sheffield?

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The point that lives will be wrecked directly by fracking. Land and waterways will be polluted. The point that fracking is dirty, and will have a negative effect on those who have this happen near them, down wind, down stream. The point that if you want justice you'd better be able to fund a case against big business.


This is one last pocket lining rape of the land, by those who can buy themselves a nice plot well away from it all.


The point we don't need to do this, it's a quick profit for the privileged who couldn't give a crap about your average man, your average man who knows far less about this than they do MP's expenses fraud, and look how utterly criminal that behaviour has been. This is nothing to do with securing energy supplies, it's a supply of cheap dirty cash, at our expense, nothing more.


I could make a different point from the same information. It just confirms what I already know about American gung-ho attitudes and lack of regulation.

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What are you on about pal? Not insulted anybody & if I had I wouldn't stop because you told me to. When did they make you mod?


Post #1002. Your poorly structured argument followed by an ad hominem attack.


Like I said happy to debate civilly.

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Please note: France have banned this type of fracking, absolutely, for environmental reasons.


French minister supports allowing 'clean' shale gas fracking






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It's hard to research much if you can't afford to keep the lights on in the lab. It's not nuclear scientists doing fracking. So you're talking nonsense again.


While the luddites are busy winning in England, ITER is being built in France, the world's first fusion power plant.


The ITER fusion reactor has yet to be proved as a source of energy and has lots of problems to overcome. Nuclear fusion is the dream energy source, but you'll still find that Greens oppose it.

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The ITER fusion reactor has yet to be proved as a source of energy and has lots of problems to overcome. Nuclear fusion is the dream energy source, but you'll still find that Greens oppose it.


They don't oppose it but are realistic enough to know that after 40-50 years of research and still no major breakthroughs fusion is not going to solve anything in the short to medium term. It's about practicalities rather than technology. If there was a breakthrough then they'd support it of course - the main frustration with the greens re: fusion should be their misplaced lack of support into researching it further. It's not because they don't want it to work just that they don't think it will work on production scale for a long, long time. Chicken and egg. Poor policy which they could easily fix by committing to spend a proportion of energy research budget on fusion, even if it was just a small %

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  • 3 weeks later...
How come we hardly ever hear anything about these protests in the news?..http://t.co/xthLCIQc9g


There is a camp near my sister's house in the north west. Visited last week for some soup and a cuppa. Nice people from right across the community.

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  • 2 months later...
At last, the truth about what the Tories think about fracking



hahha great bit of editing


---------- Post added 10-08-2014 at 07:05 ----------


How come we hardly ever hear anything about these protests in the news?..http://t.co/xthLCIQc9g


Because the less the government and media draw attention to it, the more easy it becomes to mine for gas and thus making it more easy for the businesses to to make profit for themselves and their shareholders. The what they don't know won't hurt them line; that's what the Leveson enquiry/report unofficially aimed to do i.e. state control the media

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