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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Sorry did you think that they were going to pass down any savings (if there are any and I would not consider them worth the cost to the environment) and not just cream it off the profits for themselves?


Does taking a tram to town count as invading? You make it sound like people will be coming from out of town to protest.

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Frack away, lets have some cheap gas, at last.




IIRC because we buy and sell our gas in anew integrated European market, the contribution of UK shale gas to the supply will be too small to make a material impact on the wholesale gas market price.

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I absolutely agree long and medium term we NEED to do this. I doubt that's in question by anyone except the most ardent of petrolheads, but short to medium term we cannot simply change overnight. Electric cars are starting to come through but we are looking at 10-15 years before they are mainstream. Power stations again, we cannot change those rapidly without horrendous costs so we will have to change slowly and adapt which will take time. I cannot see how we can stop relying on oil/gas within the next 25-30 years and that's optimistic. It's in plastics as well so we'd have to change nearly all packaging etc.


Nearly all of the renewable energy at the moment relies ironically on fossil fuels to make it and keep it running. Not to the same extent as running a coal fired power plant does mind you, but it's not so simply to just say we can stop using fossil fuels by switching to renewable.


If we'd taken action 20 years ago when the first big noises were being made by scientists about the dangers of both using fossil fuels to such an extent and also that we'd run out sooner rather than later then we'd not even be having this conversation about needing fracking. Easy to say with hindsight though isn't it? :(


the trouble is that electric cars use electricity. it is generated in power station most of which burn gas that is running out. the more we turn to electric cars the more gas we need.

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Its pretty well known that Fracking is NOT economical in the first place. The only reason the companies are doing it is because its being subsidised.


Also, how do you expect it to be cheap gas for the UK, if its not UK companies who are extracting it? Its literally a lose, lose scenario!


The government should be looking at how to store surplus electricity so that renewables are more practical. Instead they cut the solar panel subsidy, because the last thing they want are people spending less on their electricity bills.


Its no coincidence that as we are pushed into energy saving, the prices just go up to compensate. All the while the energy companies report record profits.


So sure, keep your delusion that Fracking will in any way be good for the UK.

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Show me where I said it did? I said it didn't piddle into the nearest river - as you pointed out - it doesn't. The water is kept, cleaned and then reinjected into the next well to be fracked as the fluid is fairly expensive and they like to recover as much as they can.


You make it sound like it all gets recycled. It doesn't




Where in the UK are we going to dispose of the contaminated waste water?


The level of toxicity is a moot point if it is enough to ruin drinking water supplies.

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You make it sound like it all gets recycled. It doesn't




Where in the UK are we going to dispose of the contaminated waste water?


The level of toxicity is a moot point if it is enough to ruin drinking water supplies.


If only we had water cleaning technology already developed and some kind of infrastructure in place, then it wouldn't be a problem.

Oh wait...

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Areas like Handsworth and Tinsley are on the list.

Its time to make a stand against these b******s.

If you want to be part of an organised protest please sign up to the Sheffield against cracking Facebook group. :)


Wow, this seems like madness to me.


The geology of the whole area has already been altered by man because of all the deep mines. How can they know what will happen for sure?

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