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Fracking in Sheffield?

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I may be one of the few people here .who understand what the following sentence means. What did You make of it Megalithic?


“Cuadrilla proposed that a section of the 5 ½” production casing will be section milled at the 9 5/8” casing shoe to enable a rock to rock cement bond. An additional cement plug will be placed above this to comply with the Oil and Gas UK guidelines on well abandonment.”


Can anyone guarantee that for the rest of eternity the well will retain its integrity?


No, I didn't think so.

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What about it? It's a non-issue. What you melodramatically call an "earthquake" is what happened all the time around Yorkshire only a few years ago when we had old seams collapse where collapses has affected above ground.






So you can understand what your "earthquake" was like, here's a description.




In other words, virtually nobody noticed. 10 people phoned it in and it had to be confirmed by the British Geological Survey as actually being an "earthquake".


Oh dear.


Whatever the scale they caused two seismic events that wouldn't have happened naturally any time in the near future. Neither were expected.

Point is something potentially dangerous happened and they had no idea it could. Its now needing continual monitoring as they can't seem.to plug it successfully.

A few dozen like this and that monitoring cost will become a burden no one wants to pay for. Then what? The government will supply the get out clause, same as they laughed at democracy by overriding local council decisions with this fast track licencing.


Only a complete mug, or someone with a vested interest, would support this. :)

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That is what bothers me about Fracking. If seams can collapse, does that not mean its possible for the poisons they inject to seep through the gaps?


The fact is, nobody can predict for certain exactly how the layers of the earth will cope over the years, even less if its been fractured by chemicals. That should be enough to stop this none sense.


Except the government couldn't give a flying fart about if we bugger up the earth or not, as long as they make some money out of it.

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Can anyone guarantee that for the rest of eternity the well will retain its integrity?


No, I didn't think so.


It can't be guaranteed, but it can be predicted with good levels of accuracy. Mining surveyors have been doing this for decades.


If a fracking borehole (I'm not sure what the correct term is: anyone?) were to collapse the loose rock around it would fall into the spaces left by the retrieved gas. But it would be surrounded by larger and larger pieces of rock which would be too big to fit into the resulting hole, and so they'd stay where they were.


Fracking is done at very low depths. It's very deep. Far deeper, I think, than coal mining. The only way fracking could lead to a collapse of the ground on the surface is if it were carried out in an area that was made of small bits of rock from the fracking workings all the way to the surface--and that's just not going to happen, because that sort of geology would have let all the useful gas (which fracking is designed to harvest) escape already.


That is what bothers me about Fracking. If seams can collapse, does that not mean its possible for the poisons they inject to seep through the gaps?


Poisons aren't used in fracking. It's mostly water which is used. I'm investigating what other chemicals they use, and how those chemicals combine with the rocks and minerals below ground, as it's possible the two neutralise each other. I'm not sure, though.


The seams can't really collapse (see my comment above) so the poisons they don't use can't seep through the collapsed rocks. But if they did, my betting is they'd follow the laws of physics and be affected by gravity, and seep downwards, away from us.


The fact is, nobody can predict for certain exactly how the layers of the earth will cope over the years, even less if its been fractured by chemicals. That should be enough to stop this none sense.


We can't predict for certain how the layers of the earth will cope; but we can predict with a very good level of accuracy. Those predictions are made based on decades of data and the people who do this work have a lot of training and expertise. And once they've made their predictions, they add in a huge margin for safety.


It's not the chemicals which fracture the rocks in fracking, it's the pressure they're pumped in under.


For the record, my husband is a minerals surveyor. He started off in the pits but now works in other areas. He doesn't work in fracking at all, but this is something which interests us both. We started off very concerned about fracking, but have spent some time looking into the various objections and worries people have, and have looked at the reasons given against fracking, and many of them are red herrings. The media and the internet have whipped up a lot of anxiety over it, instead of presenting the information in a straightforward way but much of it is easily explained (see Eric Arthur's useful information about the "earthquakes", for example).

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Oh dear.


If you want to be taken seriously you should come up with some sort of evidence that these "earthquakes" are something to worry about.


The evidence we've seen so far is that it's a total non event. Look out for your shadow today. :P:)

Edited by Eric Arthur
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To those people who really want to object to all the many types of fracking on my behalf please refrain from using the following words and phrases in a context of fear. It does not help in persuading people into demanding from their government a sensible and safe approach to methods of hydrocarbon extraction. These words and phrases used in a patronizing way will only force people into opposite camps who will fail to agree and let the extractors off many of their obligations.


seismic events

dangerous burden

laughed at democracy

complete mug

vested interest

rest of eternity

caused two earthquakes

filthy caustic chemicals



and bad for the environment

Don't be fooled

grab for cash


Health issues

Property prices

don't risk poisoning them.

We only have one environment.

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UK fracking boom could harm climate and house prices, admits secret government report.


Unredacted version of controversial Defra report highlights environmental risks of shale gas.


An explosion of shale gas exploration in the UK could damage worldwide efforts to tackle climate change, despite ministers' promises it will lead to a low carbon future, a controversial and previously redacted government report revealed yesterday.


The report also acknowledged that waste fluids leaking from fracking operations in the US have resulted in environmental damage.


And it showed how properties could incur additional insurance premiums if they are within a five mile radius of fracking operations.



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the trouble is that electric cars use electricity. it is generated in power station most of which burn gas that is running out. the more we turn to electric cars the more gas we need.


Slow reply, but yes it's a weird catch-22 isn't it? Unless we all fundamentally change how we live our lives with regards to transport and energy usage, all we are doing is kicking the can down the road.

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To those people who really want to object to all the many types of fracking on my behalf please refrain from using the following words and phrases in a context of fear. It does not help in persuading people into demanding from their government a sensible and safe approach to methods of hydrocarbon extraction. These words and phrases used in a patronizing way will only force people into opposite camps who will fail to agree and let the extractors off many of their obligations.


seismic events

dangerous burden

laughed at democracy

complete mug

vested interest

rest of eternity

caused two earthquakes

filthy caustic chemicals



and bad for the environment

Don't be fooled

grab for cash


Health issues

Property prices

don't risk poisoning them.

We only have one environment.


Sage words indeed, and people take note …we only have one environment, so don't be fooled.

Here at Area 51 and a Half, I have a vested interest in developing fracking to a fine art, so far having only caused two earthquakes, polluting very little apart from Parson Cross for the rest of eternity. However, this doesn't rally count as it wasn't a nice place to live, and bad for the environment in the first place.

Fortunately, whilst detoxifying there in the rubble, I came across a complete mug (among many broken ones), which allowed the filthy caustic chemicals (later discovered to be Stella) to be safely transported to the Alcocopter's septic tank without many very serious health issues.

Property prices have risen astronomically as a result in the rest of Sheffield, due to the hastily erected three mile exclusion zone centering on Wordsworth Avenue, and the now terrible housing shortage.

Of course, I now have a vested interest in disposing of the Alcocopter's dangerous burden, mainly due to complaining fare-paying passengers complaining of health issues … I don't really want to risk poisoning them, at the moment getting away with convincing them that the nasty rashes are just a virulent form of malarial hay-fever.


Unfortunately, whilst projectile vomiting, Duayne, an evacuee from Doe Royd lost his stolen wallet in mid-evacuation due to the turbulence of the Alcocopter's rotor blades. It was only through quick thinking and an exploitative mindset (and a loop-the-loop) that I managed a grab for cash, ensuring Duayne made a safe landing without 'accidentally falling out' for non-payment of transport to a safe haven.


As such, and although I've never laughed at democracy, I intend to dispose of the can of Stella, safely out of reach atop the statue of Green Mercury on the Town Hall roof.

Pollute, I do not! :thumbsup:

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