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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Im sure most people on here who drive are enjoying the 99p per litre petrol/diesel prices. I know i am.


Thats partly down to US shale gas production.


The low prices are nothing at all to do with US shale gas production. The US would rather OPEC cut oil production so that oil prices then rise which in turn means a greater profit for USA oil companies. OPEC want to try and stop that shale production and more oil from them will do just that.

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Prove it then. Let me warn you first though, you won't win this one on actual real life facts. That bit was pompous but definitely not nonsense.


As I've argued on here many times the proof is in the pudding, so the thing to do is set up a pioneer full sized well complex. Just one complex with up to 40 wells and all the infrastructure - the extra roads, pipelines, plant etc..


Then let people decide. The best place is in a Tory heartland because after all they will have returned Tory MPs who are voting through the required legislation. I guarantee their constituents will not be happy.

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Eric you are so wrong,have a google and see for yourself,there are plenty of cases,I know you are not that ignorant to believe people are making all this up.


No there isnt, you are so wrong. The internet you get your worries from is full of made up scare stories and a few examples of historic law breaking and bad industrial practice thousands of miles away. Please dont quote the rubbish in Gaslands or the garden hose hooked up to the gas pipe. There is plenty of more useful information available through Google but if you go looking for scare stories you will surely find them.

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The low prices are nothing at all to do with US shale gas production. The US would rather OPEC cut oil production so that oil prices then rise which in turn means a greater profit for USA oil companies. OPEC want to try and stop that shale production and more oil from them will do just that.


That's absolutely not true as you've pointed out in the second half of your post! The Saudis are trying to crush the shale production by forcing them to run at a lost so they are bankrupted. Therefore clearly, US shale gas production IS responsible.


I think what you were trying to say is that in a fully open balanced market, the amount of gas produced by shale fracking in the US is not enough to heavily reduce oil prices. However as the market is not open or balanced the Saudis are using their ability to manipulate oil prices to crush opposition. In an odd way this makes fracking more critical for us (as long as it is done transparently, safely and sensibly - none of these are being done at present!) as if the Saudis can manipulate prices this low on their own, what happens when they want to make more money? I don't fancy being reliant on a system controlled by possibly the most evil and corrupt nation on earth thanks. And I am thinking of North Korea when I say that, I honestly think SA is the worst country on the earth at present.

Edited by sgtkate
Changing oil to gas as corrected by Eric Arthur!
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