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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Since by the seventh word it has given up being impartial and unbiased I've given up reading it as a credible source of anything.



Am I to take this to mean that you believe the Nuclear Industry spokespersons to be impartial? Or is it that you prefer to read and listen to opinions that agree with your current viewpoint.


Incidentally There was a news report a couple of days ago about increased costs of decommissioning.

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Am I to take this to mean that you believe the Nuclear Industry spokespersons to be impartial? Or is it that you prefer to read and listen to opinions that agree with your current viewpoint.


Incidentally There was a news report a couple of days ago about increased costs of decommissioning.


Is that you accusing somebody else of confirmation bias. That's going to have me laughing all day long.

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"We" don't. Natural resources belong to somebody- the landowner, the Crown, etc.- and they're there to be used- or else why?


Wow, this is a really big political if not to say philosophical question.


If the resource is natural how can it belong to anyone?

Using the logic that everything belongs to someone how long will it be before we are charged for breathing?

Look at why natural resources, such as oil, gas and land belong to someone and it's territorial theft or spoils of war which has ensured that the winners of fights end up owning these things.

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Yes, it does. It belongs to either:

a. the freeholder beneath whose land it is located; or

b. the Crown.


It actually belongs to no-one. Because you, and a large segment of the population are deluded into believing it 'belongs' to someone, and, support the use of violence to maintain said delusion, the delusion is perpetuated and thus an army of complicit apologists is able to punish those (few) astute enough see through the delusion.


That's how I see it, anyway :)

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It actually belongs to no-one. Because you, and a large segment of the population are deluded into believing it 'belongs' to someone, and, support the use of violence to maintain said delusion, the delusion is perpetuated and thus an army of complicit apologists is able to punish those (few) astute enough see through the delusion.


That's how I see it, anyway

So you don't understand how the system of land ownership works.

That's therefore your fault, not the system's!

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