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Fracking in Sheffield?

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I think we would - provided pollution (and there will always be some, irrespective of whatever you use to generate electricity) was minimised and controlled strictly.


Governments are supposed to govern - not to run power stations. Governing can - and should - include controlling those who run the power stations.


Perhaps the question should be: "How do we get the government to do the job they are supposed to be doing?"

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Are you suggesting we go 100% nuclear?


Best tell Osborne to call a hold on the gas subsidies.


Yeah lets go 100% nuclear! And burning all our rubbish would be good too.


Everyone wants to go green but no one wants it near their home. Environmentalist complaining about off shore wind farms near their second homes.


Or solar farms ruining their view from their cottages.

Edited by Clown Shoes
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Please show me where I suggested that?


You can't. But that's typical of your "debating" style - when you cannot find something to criticise let's make up something and then attack that.


You used the example of France which at times, dependent on demand, can meet near 100% of electricity generation requirements through nuclear alone.


That is why I asked you the question.


And, there is no need for personal attacks.

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Yeah lets go 100% nuclear! And burning all our rubbish would be good too.


Everyone wants to go green but no one wants it near their home. Environmentalist complaining about off shore wind farms near their second homes.


Or solar farms ruining their view from their cottages.


There's nothing wrong with burning rubbish - provided the combustion is complete, the efflux gases are clean and the heat is used to produce energy.


You even get people who complain that the generators in the wind farms use rare earths in the circuitry. Compounds which cause massive amounts of pollution during production.


(I was going to buy one of those Toyota Pious Motor cars ... until somebody told me how much pollution production of the battery pack caused ... and I found out it wouldn't actually do what I wanted it to do.)


Why not paint the solar farms green? (I'm sure it could be done. - There are plenty of other green things which 'take people in'.) You could probably plant a concrete cow or two - and make Yorkshire look like Milton Keynes. :hihi:


How much does it cost to produce a (Modern) solar panel? [i'm well aware that efficiency has increased dramatically and production costs are falling.]


How much environmental pollution is caused per KwH by the production and transportation of solar panels?


Serious questions.

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OK- each to his own.

So you'll decline the price reductions? And pay the extra tax that others'll save?


I doubt i'd have that choice any way, unless they run a separate line into the house that includes non of this fracked gas.


Btw, have you read up on what damage will be done if we follow the american model ?

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