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Fracking in Sheffield?

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One factor not taken into account is that the panels reflect more heat energy than the ground/roof they replace.

Therefore cooling the Earth down and warming the Sun up. The consequences of warming the Sun up could be disastrous.

Well, the effect of the Sun on the Mirror has been disastrous!

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One factor not taken into account is that the panels reflect more heat energy than the ground/roof they replace.

Therefore cooling the Earth down and warming the Sun up. The consequences of warming the Sun up could be disastrous.

I'm sorry but that is utter rubbish, heat reflected from solar panels does not heat up the sun.

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No, we can't build cars that run on water or CO2. They are the waste products of a chemical reaction which produced energy to drive the car; they don't contain any useful energy themselves.


well that is one of the most absurd replies i've ever read.


i do appreciate replies to any of my posts but only by those asking questions or alternatively thos offering suggstions that come from an INFORMED position please. wild an inaccurate speculation like the above is not welcome


i think we all except those whose ability to understanding is challenged know that oxygen is used whenever we burn things


and that we can burn Carbon. but for the lesser witted i also include this

a simple internet search with would you believe the first result


Q. Can we burn Carbon?

A.Carbon is most often is present in incompletely burned ashes. Carbon itself burns, combining with oxygen to make CO2 (and sometimes carbon monoxide).




SO in theory it is possible to burn carbon dioxide and more easily so if we first split the carbon and oxygen atoms from the co2 molocule.

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well that is one of the most absurd replies i've ever read.


i do appreciate replies to any of my posts but only by those asking questions or alternatively thos offering suggstions that come from an INFORMED position please. wild an inaccurate speculation like the above is not welcome.

I have A-levels in both physics and chemistry, so I come from an informed position. A normal combustion cycle - such as that occurring in a car engine - takes carbon compounds such as CxHy (for various numerical values of x and y) and atmospheric oxygen, O2, and rearrange the atoms into a less energetic arrangement, namely CO2 and H2O. The excess energy is given off as heat, which is converted by the engine into mechanical motion.


Given CO2 and H2O as starting points, there is no excess energy which can be extracted by a further rearrangement of those atoms.

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I have A-levels in both physics and chemistry, so I come from an informed position. A normal combustion cycle - such as that occurring in a car engine - takes carbon compounds such as CxHy (for various numerical values of x and y) and atmospheric oxygen, O2, and rearrange the atoms into a less energetic arrangement, namely CO2 and H2O. The excess energy is given off as heat, which is converted by the engine into mechanical motion.


Given CO2 and H2O as starting points, there is no excess energy which can be extracted by a further rearrangement of those atoms.


I find it incredulous that you claim you have those qualifications then use the alleged possession of them to justify not understanding that carbon can be burned in oxygen.

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