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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Shall we keep it simple. One may cost more now but causes no waste management issues

Apart from the waste generated in the manufacturer of the devices. But that's not here, so we can ignore it.

Also the waste inherent in the system in that we need power when the wind stops, and can't store the power when it blows too hard (or indeed can't even generate it when it blows hard).

can be brought on line fairly quickly and can scale up. The other has a 10-20 year lead time for new generating capacity, has potential operators pulling out left right and centre, has one potential operator demanding a 40 year public subsidy and produces waste that we still have no national strategy for dealing with long term.

And is a reliable base load generator, with no real waste issues and is much more suited to what we actually need.

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I've read various stories designed to scare, yes. But I don't always believe everything, you see.


"Designed to scare" ? I guess it comes down to believing the big corporations word then, and ignoring the regular Joe's who've suffered life changing medical/environmental problems. Maybe they're all liars ? :roll:


You should watch the Gaslands trailer if you haven't.

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The Price of Greed?

What happens when the fracking companies go ahead, regulated or not?




Agriculture officials have quarantined 28 beef cattle on a Pennsylvania farm after wastewater from a nearby gas well leaked into a field and came in contact with the animals.

The state Department of Agriculture said the action was its first livestock quarantine related to pollution from natural gas drilling. Although the quarantine was ordered in May, it was announced Thursday.

Carol Johnson, who along with her husband owns the farm in north-central Pennsylvania, said she noticed in early May that fluids pooling in her pasture had killed the grass. She immediately notified the well owner, East Resources Inc.

"You could smell it. The grass was dying," she said. "Something was leaking besides ground water."

The Johnsons' farm sits atop the Marcellus Shale, a layer of rock that lies under swaths of West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. As ProPublica has reported, reports have proliferated of groundwater pollution, spills and other impacts of hydraulic fracturing, a drilling technique that injects massive amounts of water, sand and chemicals underground to break up the formations that hold the gas.

See: Appalachia | Shell (formerly East Resources)



Signing bonuses can range from $2,000 to $5,000 an acre, and royalty payments are about 20 percent of the value of the gas produced.


President Barack Obama enthusiastically backs gas drilling, and these days 90 percent of it is done by fracking, which involves forcing below ground chemically treated water under high pressure to smash through layers of rock, thus freeing the gas to flow upward. Along with wind, solar, and nuclear power, natural gas is crucial to Obama's goal of producing 80 percent of electricity from clean energy sources by 2035. But the drilling is taking place with 'minimal oversight' from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 'State and regional authorities are trying to write their own rules—and having trouble keeping up.'

Now, reports of contaminated water and alleged disposal of carcinogens in rivers have caught state and federal regulators, and even environmental watchdogs, off guard. Sometimes the fracking mix includes diesel fuel. Between 2005 and 2009, drillers injected 32 million gallons of fluids containing diesel into wells in 19 states, an investigation by Representative Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) concludes. Just as it recovers its footing from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the Administration faces a new threat, again involving a risky drilling technology and charges of lax regulation. Obama is "evaluating the need for new safeguards for drilling," says White House spokesman Clark W. Stevens. "It's likely that the science is going to say we need to regulate fracking," says Tyson Slocum, director of the energy program for Public Citizen, a liberal advocacy group. "But Obama's political team is going to say don't regulate, and I think the political team will win." ......


Take a peek at all the fracking accidents in the US. Then compare the size of the USA with ours?



And ask is it really worth it?

Time to remember that it is our children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the poisoned land?

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I've read various stories designed to scare, yes. But I don't always believe everything, you see.


Dear Jeffrey,

There are people on these forums who are trying to inform and empower you.

No one expects you to believe everything you see.... that's the point... it's just the opposite......

Some stories are scary, but that shouldn't be the cue to stick our heads in the sand. I am presuming you have or will have children? The decisions we make now will definitely affect their future.

As someone else said, the web is absolutely full of information and it is up to you to search for confirmation of what the Media tells you, instead of gullibly believing and refusing to question... .which will not make it go away

Have you read 1984?

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You don't think that we'll get cheaper gas. I do. All that is is a difference of opinion. Time will tell.


Ok, show me one of the utilities that operates an altruistic policy, and any reason you believe the fracking companies will operate this way.

This is about pocket lining, nothing more.

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