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Fracking in Sheffield?

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Then I suggest that you may want to stop making them.


I don't make personal attacks. If I've upset you you know where the report button is.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 20:19 ----------


Apart from the waste generated in the manufacturer of the devices. But that's not here, so we can ignore it.

Also the waste inherent in the system in that we need power when the wind stops, and can't store the power when it blows too hard (or indeed can't even generate it when it blows hard).

And is a reliable base load generator, with no real waste issues and is much more suited to what we actually need.


Nuclear power does have waste issues. Serious ones.

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It produces surprisingly little waste in a modern reactor.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 20:33 ----------


Did we get cheaper gas and oil in the 70s? answer = 2 letters, first is N second is O.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 19:37 ----------


There are people on here who actually think Joe Public will get a fair as opposed to the 70s rip off.

They even stick up for the exploiters, how daft can that be?.


If you're that convinced that the companies will make a massive profit, why not just buy some shares?

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I don't make personal attacks. If I've upset you you know where the report button is.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 20:19 ----------



Nuclear power does have waste issues. Serious ones.


No really, it doesn't. It has some waste that greenies make out to be really serious driven by their ideology, ignorance, and sheer bloody mindedness. Dealing with nuclear waste is trivially easy.

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So would I but probably for different reasons.


Well for me it's all about being able to deal with the waste, with a plant above ground at least it's accessible if anything untoward happens, whereas with fracking.........

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The price of gas in the US dropped tremendously when fracking opened up new fields... It lined the pockets of everyone who is a consumer of gas.
One of the benefits I got when I moved from my oil fired house to my LPG fired house was the difference in the cost. Under today's oil costs it would cost me about $4800 a quarter for oil. I am on a budget with Yankee Gas for $90 a month and get all the heat I want. It is a much smaller house, and there are some danger possibilities. An oil leaks is usually just messy, but a gas leak is explosive. That's why it is illegal to try fixing gas problems yourself.They have to be done by licensed techs. Edited by buck
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lets hope ours is more regulated than that in the states, once it starts polluting the waterways,there will be no turning back.


Hello Speleo,


Sorry, but hope will not cut the mustard. As you rightly say once fracking starts polluting the waterways, there definitely will be no turning back.....

As anyone who has been around for the past fifty years will know; Governments can't be trusted to do what is right for the people. After all, we are all expendable collateral..... Can you say honestly that you can trust Parliamentarians, who we are constantly being told are susceptible to taking 'bribes' from lobbyists, and live for themselves only.. They won't be living here, but will have invested in properties abroad, where their money is?

We only matter when they need us to vote.... and 45% of the population can't be bothered to? So, maybe it is our own fault if and when we get shafted, and have things foisted on us without our permission; because we couldn't be bothered and didn't take the time to research and get involved, and of course - like some on this forum - believed every single bit of Government propaganda drip fed to them daily..

Preferring instead to label those who would inform them, as conspiracy theorists.


---------- Post added 25-07-2013 at 21:49 ----------

Edited by esme
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Just seen on the news the usual suspects have been out protesting at a site to try and stop contractors gaining entry to a site to start work . Why is it these idiots always cover their faces with stupid masks ? These people would protest at the opening of a window .Usual suspects .... Professional agitators , hippy`s and a few Greenies thrown in for good measure. Its time the police and courts cracked down hard on these trouble causers once and for all.

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