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Fracking in Sheffield?

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The green lobby have a long and distiguished history of lying through their teeth when it suits them. I generally tend to assume that's always the case. If they'd connceted the household gas pipe to the incoming water to simulate this I wouldnt put it past them.


Did they lay lines under the creeks and streams to simulate the leaking of gas too ? :hihi:

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No the subject under discussion was a tap. Don't try and move the goalposts and claim that something has been invalidated - it's dishonest to do so and I expected better from you.


Ok, so for arguments sake let's say they "fixed" the tap. :hihi: What about poisoned water ? Animals becoming sick and losing fur, "stray" gas percolating up throuigh the ground and stream beds etc, formerly healthy people becoming quite ill, the fracking companies themselves importing water to replace poisoned wells ?


I could go on.

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Ok, so for arguments sake let's say they "fixed" the tap. :hihi: What about poisoned water ? Animals becoming sick and losing fur, "stray" gas percolating up throuigh the ground and stream beds etc, formerly healthy people becoming quite ill, the fracking companies themselves importing water to replace poisoned wells ?


I could go on.


I'm sure you could. none of those however are relevant to the discussion that was being had about the tap.


Try and stay within the goalposts - it helps tremendously.

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I'm sure you could. none of those however are relevant to the discussion that was being had about the tap.


Try and stay within the goalposts - it helps tremendously.


No, we don't have to narrow the discussion to the tap, i don't know why you'd even think that. :huh:


Btw, there's footage of several taps behaving this way. all faked ?

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No, we don't have to narrow the discussion to the tap, i don't know why you'd even think that. :huh:


Btw, there's footage of several taps behaving this way. all faked ?


Because that's how debate works - you cannot take a case specific to a single item and claim it applies to all.

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